UDC 619:616-099:615ю241]:636.8 Pereslegina I.O., Dubrovina T.S., Klintzova T.Yu, Zotova S.N., Kozhevnikova T.N., Sanin A.V. Summary. Poisoning is not only one of the most pressing problems that have been facing cat owners, but one of the most enigmatic pathologies as well, because the cause often remains the mystery. In our practice we often use Gamavit in the complex therapy of acute and chronic poisoning in pets, including cases where the toxic agent has not been elucidated. Authors present 2 clinical cases of chronic poisoning in cats aged 8-12 years during the general overhaul at home. Based on test results, diagnose was set as chronic intoxication caused by the uncertain agent, hepatitis, toxic liver damage, spleno - and hepatomegaly, cholangitis, cholestasis. Gamavit was included as part of infusion therapy and of the complex treatment protocol administered at home. Clinical recovery occurred in 5-6 days, the blood count recovered after 3-4 weeks. Also normalized levels of AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, and bilirubin. We believe that inclusion of Gamavit in the protocol of chronic poisoning therapy in cats accelerates clinical recovery and normalization of the blood formula. Keywords: chronic poisoning, cats, Gamavit, blood composition, liver enzymes, bilirubin. References: 1. Berezov T.T., Korovkin B.F. Biologicheskaya khimia [Biological chemistry]. - Meditsina. - Moscow, 1998. - 704 p. 2. Lipin A.V., Sanin A.V., Zinchenko E.V., Veterinarnyy spravochnik traditsionnykh i netraditsionnykh metodov lecheniya koshek [Veterinary reference book of traditional and nontraditional methods of cat's therapy]. - Moscow, Centropoligraf, 2005. 3. Zaytseva L.G., Bekhalo V.A., Vasiliev I.K., Godunov R.S., Kireeva I.V., Kozhevnikova T.N., Nagurskaya E.V., Narovlyansky A.N., Ozherelkov S.V., Pronin A.V., Sanin A.V. Korrektsiya funktsionalnoy aktivnosti peritonealnykh makrofagov myshey Fosprenilom i Gamavitom pri vvedenii vysokikh doz а-toksina Staphylococcus aureus [Correction of functional activity of peritoneal macrophages in mice with Fosprenil and Gamavit at high doses of а-toxin Staphylococcus aureus]. - Mikrobiologiya. - Moscow, 2006 (6). - pp. 51-57. 4. Obryvin V.N., Zhorov G.A., Rubchenkov P.N. Vliyaniye preparatov gamavit i galavet na toksicheskiy immunodefitsit u belykh krys [Effect of gamavit and galavet on toxic immunodeficiency in white rats]. - Veterinarnaya patologiya. - Moscow, 2008 (3). - pp. 119-125. 5. Joseph D. Veterinarnaya toksikologiya [Veterinary toxicology]. - Akvarium-Print. - Mos-cow, 2008. - 416 p. 6. Sanin A.V., Zaitseva L.G., Kireeva I.V., Berezina L.K., Sanin V.Yu., Pronin A.V., Narovlyansky A.N. Gamavit - antidotnaya terapiya pri oksidativnom stresse [Gamavit - antidote therapy at oxidative stress]. - Veterinarnyy doctor. - Yekaterinburg, 2008 (6). - pp. 7-8. 7. Sanin A.V., Ozherelkov S.V., Zvartzev R.V., Pronin A.V., Narovlyanskiy A.N. Snizhenie ostroy toksichnosti preparata Imidosan pod deystviem Gamavita -vozmozhnyye perspektivy pri lechenii babezioza sobak [Reduction of acute toxicity of Imidosan by Gamavit - possible perspectives in treatment of babesiosis in dogs]. - Rossiyskiy veterinarnyy zhurnal. - Moscow, 2009 (4). - pp. 56-58. 8. Sanin A.V., Sosnovskaya O.Yu., Sanina V.Yu., Kozhevnikova T.N., Vasiliev I.K., Narovlyansky A.N., Pronin A.V. Osobennosti primeneniya immunomodulyatorov pri parazitarnykh invaziyakh [Features of immunomodulators' use at parasitic invasions]. - Veterinaria Kubani. - Krasnodar, 2010 (2). - pp. 15-18. 9. Sanin A.V., Ozherelkov S.V., Sosnovskaya O.Yu., Narovlyanskiy A.N., Pronin A.V. Protektivnyy effekt Gamavita pri ostroy intoksikatsii, vyzvannoy chetyrekhkhloristym uglerodom v eksperimente [Protective effect of Gamavit in acute intoxication caused by carbon tetrachloride in the experiment]. - Rossiyskiy veterinarnyy zhurnal. - Moscow, 2015 (2). - pp. 40-42. 10. Vide supra. Author affilation: Pereslegina Irina O., veterinarian of the EverVET; 11, Lukhmanovskaya st., Moscow, 111675; e-mail: pereslegina.ira@mail.ru. Dubrovina Tatyana. S., veterinarian of the EverVET; 11, Lukhmanovskaya st., Moscow, 111675; e-mail: puppvet@rambler.ru. Klintsova Tatyana Yu, veterinarian 111675 of the EverVET; 11, Lukhmanovskaya st., Moscow, 111675; e-mail: kitana9111@mail.ru. Zotova Svetlana N., veterinarian of the Oriks Veterinary clinic; 32, Raspletina st., Moscow, 123060; e-mail: zotovasveta51@gmail.com. Sanin Aleksandr V., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; e-mail: saninalex@inbox.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kozhevnikova Tatyana N., Ph.D. in Medicine, Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8(499)1905851; e-mail: tatiana@micro-plus.ru.