UDC 619:616.98:578.828 Dyuldina T.V., Bespalova T.Yu., Kustikova O.V., Sadov K.M. Summary. Bovine leucose (BL) is a chronic infectious disease of malignant nature caused by a retrovirus. BL prevalence in some Russian holdings, especially dairy ones, is more than 50%. The study involved analysis of reports of regional and district veterinary laboratories for 2016-2017, as well as the results of our own investigations. The results of monitoring allowed obtaining new knowledge on BL prevalence in regional holdings. It was found that the infection rate in cattle in the commercial and private sectors has increased vs. the last year by 1.3% and 1.1%, respectively; the incidence increased by 2.2% and 0.5%, which is associated with a more complete coverage of cattle in the region with diagnostic studies. The authors noted a decrease in animal infection dynamics by age, as a result of timely performed diagnostic and anti-leukemia activities. Districts of the region were ranked by the epizootic situation severity: the infection rate was less than 1% in five districts, more than 10% in six districts, and more than 30% in one district. The authors have been performing sanitary measures against BL virus in the holdings of different ownership using innovative technologies. Use of proprietary software (database) when performing diagnostic studies allowed promptly adjustment of individual action plans to eradicate BL, increase efficiency of sanitary measures and reduce the time of sanitation. The present work takes a note on the trouble epizootic situation with BL in the Samara region and on the advantages of the use of innovative technologies in leukemia diagnostics and general anti-epizootic activities. The eradication of BL in the region requires further interaction of academic and applied veterinary practice. 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Kustikova Olga V., Senior Scientific Researcher of the Samara Research Veterinary Institute - Branch Of Federal Research Center For Virology And Microbiology; 8, Magnitogorskaya st., Samara, 443013; phone: 8-846-3360341; e-mail: samara@vniivvim.ru. Sadov Konstantin Mikhaylovich, D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Director of the Samara Research Veterinary Institute - Branch Of Federal Research Center For Virology And Microbiology; 8, Magnitogorskaya st., Samara, 443013; phone: 8-8463360341; e-mail: samara@vniivvim.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Bespalova Tatyana Yu., Senior Scientific Researcher of the Samara Research Veterinary Institute - Branch Of Federal Research Center For Virology And Microbiology; 8, Magnitogorskaya st., Samara, 443013; phone: 8-846-3360341; e-mail: samara@vniivvim.ru.