УДК 636.981 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-4-42-44 Savchenko A. V., Ermakov A. M. Summary. Today, the species diversity of domestic animals is growing rapidly in Russia and abroad. The increase in the number of reptiles in private households is especially noticeable. In this regard, the analysis of species diversity and assessment of domestic reptiles in the world, Russia and the Rostov region, in particular, is relevant. Purpose of the study: to evaluate groups of domestic reptiles abroad, in Russia and the Rostov region, changes in results in different years, to provide an appropriate analysis of species diversity. The Google Scholar and Pubmed search were used to estimate the location of domestic reptiles in foreign countries. In the period 20212023, an analysis of the results of a survey of employees of pet stores in Rostov-on-Don involved in the trade of reptiles was carried out; data from electronic records of patients from face-to-face appointments from the practice of a veterinarian at the veterinary clinic ‘Center’ in Rostov-on-Don; Analysis of advertisements presented on online trading platforms ‘Avito’ and ‘Yula’. This study makes it possible for the first time to estimate the number of reptiles kept at home not only abroad, but also at home in Russia and in the cities of the Rostov region, which indicates growth dynamics. The results obtained open up new opportunities for assessing domestic reptiles and changes in the development of terrarium culture in the Rostov region and in Russia in recent years. Keywords: reptiles, pets, reptiles, terrarium art, pets, Russia, owners, terrarium, Rostov-on-Don, numbers, collection References: 1-3. Vide supra. 4. Vasiliev D. B. Veterinary herpetology. - Project-F. - 2005. - P. 269. 5-13. Vide supra. 14. Kudryavtsev S. V. et al. Terrarium: yesterday, today, tomorrow. -pp. 5, 10. 15. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Ermakov Aleksey M., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, Dean of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Veterinary Medicine of the Don State Technical University; 1, Gagarina sq., Rostov-on-Don, 344010; phone: 8-928-2143344; e-mail: amermakov@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Savchenko Anastasiya V., post-graduate student of the Don State Technical University, veterinarian of the Veterinary Clinic ‘Center’; 1, Gagarina sq., Rostov-on-Don, 344010; phone: 8-938-1283136; e-mail: zoo1998@bk.ru.