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Issues / 04/23 Print

On prevalence and incidence of cryptosporidiosis in animals in the Russian Federation

УДК 619: 616-002.91
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-4-25-27

Domatskiy V. N.

Summary. Data on the species composition, distribution, and degree of morbidity of cattle and pigs with cryptosporidiosis in the Russian Federation is presented in the article. Invasion occurs in many regions of Russia, both in animals and in humans. In the structure of human protozoa, cryptosporidiosis accounts for less than 1%. Cryptosporidiosis of animals is widespread everywhere and occurs in young animals at any time of the year. The peak of invasion occurs at the end of winter - the beginning of spring and this is associated with the most pronounced immunodeficiency in calves during this period of the year. Cryptosporidiosis in a clinically pronounced form is manifested in calves aged 5-7 to 20-30 days. In the Stavropol Territory, in winter, the extent of invasion on farms was in the range of 30-35% with a low intensity of invasion. In March-April, there was a simultaneous increase in the extensiveness and intensity of invasion in the range of 50-80%. In the farms of the Udmurt Republic, the degree of infection ranges from 20.0-80.0%. In the conditions of the Bryansk region, young cattle of 17-22-day-old age (34.7 and 36.5%) are most intensively affected by the pathogen. In the farms of the mountainous zone of the Republic of Dagestan, the invasiveness of animals averaged 40. 0%. The extent of invasion in calves up to one month of age was 60.0%. Infection of adult pigs and young animals with cryptosporidia by the association of «Mordovian bacon» is 63.5 and 44.9%, respectively. At the same time, the invasiveness of piglets in conventional farms is 40.3%. It was found that the premises of the mother pigsty are most contaminated with cryptosporidium oocysts. With an increase in the age of piglets, the contamination of the premises in which they are kept also decreases, namely, a pigsty for piglets and a fattening pigsty.

Keywords: cryptosporidiosis, distribution, human, cattle, pigs, species composition of parasites, extent of invasion, oocysts, contamination.


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Author affiliation: Domatsky Vladimir N., D. Sc. in Biology, Professor, chief scientific researcher of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology; 2, Institutskaya st., Tyumen, 625041; phone: 8-3452-258558; e-mail: - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.


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