УДК 619:618.1 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-4-10-12 Fedotov S.V., Aliev A.Yu., Zherebtsov I.S., Belozertseva N.S. Summary. Improved obstetric and mammological medical examination of cows during the dry period makes it possible to determine the nature of the prevailing pathology, to establish its main causes, and to present specific proposals for the implementation of preventive and therapeutic measures based on the real capabilities of the farm. Ultrasound examination made it possible to diagnose changes in the tissues of the udder caused by pathologies of non-infectious etiology: edema, bruises and associated hematomas. In addition, we were able to determine the state of the alveolar tissue, the size of the milk passages and cisterns. Therefore, sonography makes it possible to diagnose pathologies that occur as a result of incorrect start-up of lactating cows. The maintenance of cows in the last trimester of pregnancy should be based on a deep knowledge of the biological characteristics of cattle, clearly defined conditions for feeding and keeping animals. Compliance of the start-up technology and the interlactation period has a positive effect on the course of calving, the safety of the offspring, the postpartum period, milk flow and the quality of the received milk. It is desirable to include an analysis of the feeding and animal housing in the complex of measures during the obstetric and mammological medical examination of cows during the interlactation period. The proposed obstetric and mammological medical examination of cows during the interlactation period allows us to determine the nature of the prevailing pathology, to establish its main causes, to present specific proposals for the implementation of preventive and therapeutic measures, based on the real possibilities of the economy. Keywords: large horned cattle, cows, interlactation period, breeding stock, udder, obstetric and mammological study, feeding, animal housing, ultrasound investigation, blood tests. References: 1. Aliev A.Yu., Fedotov S.V., Belozertseva N.S. Vliyanie subklinicheskoy formy mastita na kachestvennyy sostav moloka [Influence of subclinical form of mastitis on the qualitative composition of milk]. - Feeding and veterinary medicine. - 2021 (6). - pp. 4-7. 2. Baymishev M. Kh., Uskova I.V., Kitaev S.A. Korrektsiya reproduktivnykh pokazateley korov golshtinskoy porody [Correction of reproductive parameters of Holstein cows]. - Proceedings of the Samara State Agricultural Academy. - Samara, 2017 (4). - pp. 65-70. 3. Kocharyan V.D., Prikhodko S.A., Avdeenko V.S., Tresnitsky S.N. 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Belozertseva Nataliya S., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the Department of Disease Diagnostics, Therapy, Obstetrics and Animal Reproduction of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Scryabin; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; phone: 8-985-9321553; e-mail: nsfetisova@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Aliev Ayub Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Director the Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan; 88, Dakhadaeva st., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000; phone: 8-928-5715784; e-mail: alievayb1@mail.ru.