DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-4-25-27 Nazarov M.V., Grin V.A., Mashyanova S.Yu Summary. The article presents the results of clinical and orthopedic clinical examination of cows, as well as the dynamics of the clinical picture of the healing of purulent pododermatitis during their complex treatment. Treatment was carried out taking into account the severity of the process and in accordance with the phases of the inflammatory process: in the phase of biological cleansing of the wound (hydration) authors used complex powders based on resorcinol and antiseptic drugs, and in the phase of dehydration - complex ointment. A high prevalence of purulent-necrotic processes in the hoof area in cows was established in 69.9% of cases, the most common were ulcerative lesions in the toe area - 65.8% of cases. The recovery of orthopedically sick cows in the experimental group was noted on average 5.2-6.1 days earlier than in the control group. The appearance of lameness is an important reason for starting an examination of the animal in order to establish the etiology of the disease. In more than 90% of cases, purulent-necrotic processes in the area of the corolla, interdigital fornix and crumbs usually result from mechanical damage and the penetration of microbes through damaged skin. The constant high percentage of culling of animals indicates a complex, multifactorial etiology of limb lesions, which includes both infectious and non-infectious nature of the disease, including the insufficient effectiveness of the treatment and prophylactic measures, used drugs and veterinary drugs. Therefore, the main focus is on the development of veterinary drugs and regimens with a high therapeutic index. Keywords: large horned cattle, cows, hoof inflammation, dermis, purulent pododermatitis, therapeutic index, resorcinol, boric acid, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, petrolatum, lanolin. References: 1. Glazunov Yu.V., Krapivko I.S., Glazunova L.A. Distribution of orthopedic pathologies in large horned cattle in Zemlya LLC in Tyumen region]. - Bulletin of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals. - Tyumen, 2014 (4 (27)). - pp. 22-25. 2. Veremey E.I., Rukol V.M., Stekolnikov A.A., Semenov B.S. Organizatsionno-tekhnologicheskie osnovy veterinarnogo obsluzhivaniya krupnogo rogatogo skota pri khirurgicheskikh boleznyakh na molochnykh kompleksakh [Organizational and technological foundations of veterinary service for large horned cattle in case of surgical diseases at dairy complexes]. - Issues of legal regulation in veterinary medicine. - Saint-Petersburg, 2013 (3). - pp. 27-29. 3. Samolovov A.A., Lopatin S.V. Khromota, bolezni kopyttsev, nekrobakterioz molochnykh korov [Lameness, hoof disease, necrobacteriosis in dairy cows]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2013 (6). - pp. 28-31. 4. Semenov V.G., Chuchulin A.V. Sistema profilaktiki khromoty i terapii bolezney kopytets u korov [System of prevention of lameness and therapy of hoof diseases in cows]. - Scientific Notes of the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman. - Kazan, 2016 (226 (2)). -pp. 147-150. 5. Simonova L.N., Kontsevaya S.Yu., Simonov Yu.I. Gistologicheskie pokazateli gnoyno-nekroticheskikh porazheniy kopytets u krupnogo rogatogo skota [Histological indicators of purulent-necrotic lesions of hooves in large horned cattle]. - Bulletin of the Bryansk State Agricultural Academy. - Bryansk, 2013 (6 (2013)). - pp. 23-25. 6. Shnyakin A.V., Shnyakina T.N., Shcherbakov N.P. Gnoyno-nekroticheskie zabolevaniya paltsev u krupnogo rogatogo skota v zone Yuzhnogo Urala [Purulent-necrotic diseases of toes in large horned cattle in the South Urals]. Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University. - Barnaul, 2012 (10 (96)). -pp. 108-110. Author affiliation: Nazarov Mikhail V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, head of the department of anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-918-3141224; e-mail: nazarovmb@yandex.ru. Grin Vladimir A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; e-mail: anatom@kubsau.ru. Mashyanova Svetlana Yu., postgraduate student of the department of anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-918-6221136; e-mail: svetlana_mashyanova@mail.ru