DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-4-22-24 Badeeva O.B., Makarova V.N., Simanova I.N., Koryukina M.V. Summary. The article presents data on the study of the influence of the state of metabolism of cows, conditions of keeping and feeding young animals with colostrum on the indices of natural resistance of calves. The effect of cow metabolism on the indices of natural resistance of calves was determined by comparing the data obtained in the study of the blood of adult animals (n=24) before calving and the offspring obtained from them up to 10 days of age. To study the effect of the amount of colostrum given to calves in the first two days of life on the indices of natural resistance, two groups of calves of 12 heads in each were formed. In the first group, calves received colostrum in accordance with the recommended norm (10-12 liters), in the second group - 1.5-2.0 times less (5-8 liters). The animals were clinically monitored and blood was taken for morphological, biochemical, and immunological studies. As a result of research, a number of indices in cows and calves born from them practically do not differ. The correlation analysis confirmed the presence of links between the levels of bactericidal activity of blood serum (r=0.36), phagocytic activity (r=0.32), total protein (r=0.21), gamma-globulins (r=0.28), phagocytic capacity (r=0.18) and complement (r=0.19) in cows and calves born from them. There is also a direct relationship between the amount of colostrum consumed and the indicators of natural resistance of newborn animals. In the blood of calves of the first group, compared with the second, the level of hemoglobin is higher by 6.0% (P>0.95), rod-shaped neutrophils - by 12.2%, monocytes - by 23.3% (P<0.95). The indicators of phagocytic activity in the first group are higher by 5.9%, phagocytic index - by 5.2%, phagocytic capacity - by 7.4%. 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Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; e-mail: irina_simanowa@mail.ru. Koryukina Marina V., scientific researcher of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; e-mail: marischka7786@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Badeeva Oksana B., senior scientific researcher of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; phone: 8-921-8273359; e-mail: oksanabadeeva@yandex.ru.