DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-4-7-8 Makarova V.N., Badeeva O.B., Simanova I.N., Koryukina M.V. Summary. Data on the identification of the most common serotypes of Escherichia coli that cause outbreaks of colibacteriosis, and analysis of the frequency of their isolation from pathological material from newborn calves are presented in the article. Analysis of the results of bacteriological studies of 401 samples of biomaterial from dead and sick calves showed that the causative agents of Escherichia coli in calves have a fairly wide serological profile. Out of 135 isolated cultures of Escherichia coli only 33,3% strains react positively with O-sera, in other cases the antigenic structure of the pathogen remains unknown. Of the 13 serotypes, 22,3% of the cultures were attributed to O6, which are recognized by most researchers as causative agents of mastitis in cows. The frequency of isolation of serological groups of Escherichia spp. recognized as etiologically significant in the disease of young colidiarea and colisepticemia was O32 - 20,0% and O152 - 15,6%. The frequency of isolation of other serotypes ranged from 2,2% to 6,7%. In the isolated E. coli cultures, specific adhesins such as K99 (23%), A20 (23%), K88 (20%), 987P (17%), F41 (17%) were determined. Thus, various serotypes of Escherichia coli including atypical ones circulate in calves, but the most common serotypes are O6, O32, O152, which account for about 60% of all typed strains. Keywords: large horned cattle, calves, colibacteriosis, morbidity, escherichia, serotypes, serotyping, studies, adhesins, O-sera, prevention. References: 1. Anaev M.S., Ozdemirov A.A. et al. 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Simanova Irina N., graduate student, Head of the Department for the Study of Animal Diseases of Infectious Etiology of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; e-mail: irina_simanowa@mail.ru. Koryukina Marina V., scientific researcher of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; e-mail: marischka7786@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Makarova Vera N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; phone: 8-921-8285607; e-mail: veramakarova2015@yandex.ru.