DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-4-34-35 Chechneva A.V. Summary. Ulcerative keratitis (corneal ulcer) is an inflammatory infected condition of the cornea with a violation of its epithelial layer, affecting the stroma. Due to the fact that the cornea is a tightly innervated tissue of the body, its damage is associated with the appearance of symptoms of varying intensity: hyperemia of the conjunctiva, blepharospasm, the corneal vascularization, a decrease or increase in tear production, the formation of superficial or deep sections of corneal epithelialization, depending on the severity and the duration of the pathological process. The causes of ulcerative keratitis are also diverse: corneal injuries, chronic conjunctivitis, dry keratoconjunctivitis, anomalies of the eyelids, brachiocephalic syndrome. The danger of ulcerative lesions of the cornea is due to their necrotic effect on eye tissue, possible perforation of the eyeball, the development of secondary glaucoma or uveitis, as well as panophthalmitis. It is necessary to establish risk factors for the occurrence and development of ulcerative keratitis in dogs to prevent this pathology in the future, since in the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, the disease can progress and lead to impaired vision of the animal, thereby lowering the level of their quality of life. Determining the root cause of corneal ulcerative lesions is necessary to understand the possible outcome and relapse of the pathology, as well as the appointment of adequate treatment. Prevention and relief of the etiological factor of the disease and timely prescribed therapy lead to a decrease in the risk of development and complications of ulcerative keratitis. Key words: corneal ulcer, stroma, risk factors, cornea, conjunctiva, keratitis, dogs, tear production, trauma, complications. References 1. Goncharova A.V. Klinicheskaya kartina yazvennogo keratita u sobak [Clinical presentation of ulcerative keratitis in dogs]. - Voprosy veterinarii i veterinarnoy biologii: sbornik nauchnyh trudov molodyh uchenykh. - MSAVMB named after K.I. Skryabina. - Moscow, 2013. - pp. 56-59. 2. Degtyarenko A.V. Lechenie oftalmopatologiy perednego otrezka glaza plotoyadnykh [Treatment of ophthalmic pathology of the anterior segment of the eye of carnivores]. - Agricultural Bulletin of Stavropol Region. - Stavropol, 2015 (4 (20)). - pp. 88-90. 3. Ishutina I.E. Osobennosti etiologii i klinicheskoy kartiny yazvennogo keratita u sobak [Features of etiology and clinical presentation of ulcerative keratitis in dogs]. - Veterinariya, zootekhniya i biotekhnologiya. - Moscow, 2014 (12). - pp. 28-31. 4. Sapego N.Yu., Goncharova A.V. Faktory riska vozniknoveniya i razvitiya keratokonyunktivita ovcharok [Risk factors for the occurrence and development of keratoconjunctivitis in shepherd dogs]. - Journal IZVESTIA MAAO. - Moscow, 2018 (40). - pp. 161-164. 5. Stekolnikov A.A., Sotnikova L.F. Veterinarnaya oftalmologiya: uchebnik [Veterinary ophthalmology: textbook]. - Prospekt Nauki. - Saint-Petersburg, 2017. - pp. 269. 6. Shirmanova K.O., Shishkov N.K. Oftalmologicheskie bolezni zhivotnyh i ikh terapiya [Ophthalmic diseases of animals and their therapy]. - Novaya nauka. - Petrozavodsk, 2017 (2 (2)). - pp. 10-13. 7-10. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Chechneva Anastasia V., postgraduate student of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Skryabin; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; e-mail: anast_asia@bk.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.