DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-4-25-28 Lazarev S.E., Zabashta N.N., Lisovitskaya E.P., Golovko E.N. Summary. Method for using probiotic feed additive Prolaksim-V with a therapeutic and preventive effect to improve the indicators of live weight gain, feed conversion and the safety of poultry stock was proposed by the authors. Composition of Prolaksim-V feed additive is dominated by species of lactic and propionic bacteria: Streptococcus salivarius LT-1, Lactobacillus acidophilus LT-12, Streptococcus thermophilus LT-9, LT-10 and Propionibacterium freudenreichi LT-8. These bacteria perform an important physiological role in the organism due to their protective and synthetic functions, as well as participation in the final link of the digestive process. Probiotic flora plays a leading role in maintaining and normalizing intestinal microbiocenosis, maintaining non-specific resistance of the body, improving protein and mineral metabolism, etc. deficiency of lactic and propionic bacteria is one of the pathogenetic factors of long-term intestinal dysfunctions. It leads to a violation of mineral metabolism, to the formation of chronic digestive disorders. There is evidence that used bacteria are some suppliers of a number of essential amino acids, primarily tryptophan, as well as vitamins. Protective role of lactic and propionic bacteria in vivo is largely due to the formation of organic acids that prevent the development of putrid and pathogenic forms of microorganisms. The analytical action of these microorganisms is due to the presence of propionic and lactic acids, resulting in a decrease in the pH of the intestinal contents. It was found that the use of probiotic preparation in feeding broiler chickens contributes to an increase in the daily growth of poultry in the experimental groups, compared with the control. There was also an increase in the mass of gutted carcasses, improvement in feed conversion, and an increase in the safety indicators of poultry that receive probiotic together with the general diet. Key words: broiler chickens, probiotic preparation, lactic acid bacteria, feed, diets, growth energy, productivity, feed conversion, livestock safety, intestinal microflora. References: 1. Ermolenko E.I. Molochnokislye bakterii: individualnye osobennosti deystviya na patogennye mikroorganizmy, makroorganizm i ego mikrobiotu [Lactic acid bacteria: individual characteristics of action on pathogenic microorganisms, macroorganism and its microbiota]. - Saint Petersburg, 2009. - 27 p. 2. Zabashta N.N. 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Golovko Elena N., D.Sc. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the Department of toxicology and feed quality of the Krasnodar Scientific Center for Zootechnology and Veterinary Medicine; 4, Pervomayskaya st., Znamensky sttl., Krasnodar, 350055; e-mail: martinija@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Lisovitskaya Ekaterina P., Ph.D. in Technics, senior scientific researcher of the Department of epizootology, mycology and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Krasnodar Veterinary Scientific Research Institute - separate structural unit of the Krasnodar Scientific Center for Zootechnology and Veterinary Medicine; 1, 1 Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-952-8253705; e-mail: lisovickaya. ekaterina@mail.ru.