UDC 636.22/28.085.68 Shagaliyev F.M., Fenchenko N.G., Khayrullina N.I., Kilmetova I.R., Togobitskaya D.R., Rodin I.A. Summary. Now extrusion processing of cereals and legumes is the most promising direction in the feeding of farm animals, which significantly increases the nutritional and biological value of the fodder. Authors studied the effect of the extruded fodder mixture SK-136 on the milk productivity of dairy Simmental cows formed on the basis of the pair-analogue pairs, equivalent in age, weight, productivity and physiological state. Positive effect of the use of extruded mixed fodder SK-136 was established in the course of the experiment. So, after 10 days of feeding with the extruded mixed feed, the difference in productivity was 2.3 kg, and after 20 days - 2.5 kg in favor of the experimental group. After 30 days, this difference was 5.3 kg, respectively. The fat content of milk during the experimental period was 3.5-3.6% in the control group, and 4.2% in the experimental group. During the entire experimental period, the live weight of the experimental group cows increased by an average of 26.4 kg, while the living weight of the animals in the control group decreased by an average of 11 kg. Thus, when feeding the extruded mixed fodder SK-136, the cows were quicker to gain average fatness, went on a hunt in time, fertilized and gave healthy viable calves. During calculating the economic efficiency of feeding extruded fodder SK-136, it was found that 16,80 rubles of net profit were received from each cow of the test group per day. Keywords: large horned cattle, dairy cattle breeding, feeding, cereals, legumes, extruded fodder, live weight, fatness, milk productivity, fat content of milk. References: 1. Kalashnikov A.P. Normy i ratsiony kormleniya selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Feeding norms and rations of agricultural animals]. - Moscow, 2003. - 456 p. 2. Ovsyannikov A.I. Osnovy opytnogo dela v zhivotnovodstve [Experimental basics in animal husbandry]. - Kolos. - Moscow, 1976. - 302 p. 3. Popov I.S. Kormleniye selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Feeding of farm animals]. - Moscow, 1951. - 606 p. 4. Shagaliyev F.M., Fenchenko N.G., Khayrullina N.I., Kakhikalo V.G. Vliyaniye kachestva zagotavlivayemykh kormov na proizvodstvo moloka [Influence of harvested forages' quality on milk production]. - Moscow, 2017. 5. Fenchenko N.G., Shagaliyev F.M., Ardashirov S.S., Khusnutdinov I.Z. Effektivnost ispolzovaniya zerna yachmenya yarovogo v razlichnykh priyemakh prigotovleniya k skarmlivaniyu doynym korovam [Efficiency of using spring barley grain in various preparations for feeding dairy cows]. - Zhivotnovodstvo Rossii. - Moscow, 2017 (5-6). - pp. 32-35. 6. Fenchenko N.G., Shagaliyev F.M., Ardashirov S.S., Khusnutdinov I.Z. Zerno yachmenya yarovogo v ekstrudirovannom, droblenom i plyushchenom vide. Sravneniye effektivnosti v kormoproizvodstve [Grain of spring barley in extruded, crushed and flattened form. Comparison of efficiency in feed production]. -Sovremennyy fermer. - Ufa, 2017 (10). - pp. 42-45. Author affiliation: Shagaliyev Fanuz M., Ph.D. in Agriculture, Head of Laboratory for Feeding of Farm Animals and Feed Technology of the Bashkir SRIA RAS; 19, R. Zorge st., Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450059; phone: 8-927-9406109; e-mail: 12001@bk.ru. Fenchenko Nikolay G., D.Sc. in Agriculture, professor, Head of the Laboratory of Selection and Technology of Meat Cattle Breeding of the Bashkir SRIA RAS; 19, R. Zorge st., Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450059; phone: 8-965-9250354; e-mail: 12001@bk.ru. Khayrullina Nazira I., D.Sc. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the Laboratory of Selection and Technology of Meat Cattle Breeding of the Bashkir SRIA RAS; 19, R. Zorge st., Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450059; phone: 8-927-9406109; e-mail: 12001@bk.ru. Togobitskaya Diana R., graduate of the Polivit Ltd., veterinarian; 112/1, Industrialnoe hgw., Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450027; e-mail: poll.za@yandex.ru. Rodin Igor A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of the anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-918-4350549; e-mail: d22003807@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kilmetova Inna R., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, Deputy Director of the Polivit Ltd.; 112/1, Industrialnoe hgw., Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450027; phone: 8-9883139557; e-mail: innakilmetova@yandex.ru.