UDC619:618.19]:636.2 Bondarenko V.Z., Sklyarov O.D., Ignatova S.V., Fedorov A.I., Iskandarova S.S., Imasheva M.A., Chernykh O.Yu., Lysenko A.A. Summary. Problems of using lanthanides in medicine and veterinary medicine for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, including mastitis in cows caused by opportunistic microflora and disorders of milking technology, are disclosed. Authors showed the efficiency of the preparation, created on the basis of the compounds of cerium, which belongs to the group of lanthanides. It is known that rare earth elements have strong bactericidal effect. In this regard, their use in veterinary practice opens up great opportunities in the fight against many diseases, including mastitis of cows. It was found that the ions of lanthanum, cerium and other elements in combination with triethylene glycol, glycerin, polyethylene glycol possess pronounced antiseptic properties. As a result of the conducted studies, authors found that after 4-6 months of application of the preparation on lactating cows, the condition of the skin of the udder and nipples is improved, the skin becomes elastic and elastic. The healing time of various udder skin lesions is accelerated, resulting in a threefold decrease in the number of cows with newly identified mastitis. Authors proved that the use of the anti-mastitis drug developed on the basis of lanthanides, accelerates the recovery of cows with serous mastitis by a factor of 1.5 or 2 compared with traditional methods of treatment. Keywords: lanthanides, rare earth elements, cerium, lanthanum, cow mastitis, milking technology, bactericidal action, prevention, anti-mastitis preparation, therapeutic time, therapeutic efffciency. References: 1. 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Author affiliation: Bondarenko Viktor Z., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine; «Russian State center for animal feed and drug standardization and quality»; 5, Zvenigorodskoye hgw., Moscow, 123022; phone: 8-495-9825084. Sklyarov Oleg D., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the laboratory of quality and standardization of bacterial drugs of the Russian State center for animal feed and drug standardization and quality»; 5, Zvenigorodskoye hgw., Moscow, 123022; phone: 8-495-9825084.; e-mail: scliarov@yandex.ru. Ignatova Svetlana V., scientific researcher of the Russian State center for animal feed and drug standardization and quality»; 5, Zvenigorodskoye hgw., Moscow, 123022; phone: 8-495-9825084. Fedorov Andrey I., Ph.D. in Biology; «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko»; 1, 24, Ryazanskiy av., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8-495-9700368; email: viev-epl@mail.ru. Iskandarova Salmikhanum S., scientific researcher of the experimental-production laboratory of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko; 1, 24, Ryazanskiy av., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8-495-9700368; e-mail: viev-epl@ mail.ru. Imasheva Margarita A., Ph. D. in Biology, FSUI «State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology»; 23, Entuziastov hgw., Moscow, 111024; phone: 8-495-6737530. Lysenko Aleksandr A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, professor of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-961-5075415; e-mail: vet.kubgau@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chernykh Oleg Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Kropotkin regional veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, 352380; phone: 8-8613862314; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru.