UDC 619:618.11-089.87 Visloguzova E.V Summary. International experience shows that the vector of development of medicine aimed at the development of minimally invasive and endoscopic diagnosis and treatment. For example, laparoscopy is becoming increasingly evident new diagnostic and surgical technique able not only to fundamentally change of medical technology, but giving into the hands of the scientist and physician better tools of influence on biological approaches to the therapeutic process. Laparoscopy - new, yet little-studied trend in our country, and because of the huge number of advantages in relation to classical methods of surgical intervention in the near future it should become a mandatory element of the treatment process of modern veterinary clinics of Russia. Laparoscopic sterilization and laparoscopy as the diagnostic method of the abdominal cavity are characterized by high efficiency and reliability. It is an expert in relation to other research methods and should be widely used in veterinary medicine. It is scientifically proven that sterilization is carried out laparoscopic technique, is completely safe. In addition, this procedure is useful for the health of the animal, as prophylactics of the development of mammary gland tumors and inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, thereby can prolong the life of the animal. Laparoscopy is a surgical intervention on organs of an abdominal cavity with the help of videoscopes -laparoscopes used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Unlike endoscopy, where it is carried out through a natural hole, in laparoscopy optic tube that transmits images onto a screen monitor, is inserted through the trocar, which pierces the abdominal wall. Keywords: laparoscopy, laparoscopic sterilization, minimally invasive diagnostics, uterus, laparoscope, online access, veterinary, instruments, sterile technique, new technology, optical tube, trocar, the abdominal wall, surgery, reproductive organs. References: 1. Chernov A.V. Endovideokhirurgiya - novoye napravleniye veterinarnoy khirurgii [Endovideosurgery - new direction in veterinary surgery]. - RVZh. -Moscow, 2012 (3). - pp. 30-32. 2. Veremey E.I., Stekolnikov A.A., Semenov B.S. et. al. Klinicheskaya khirurgiya v veterinarnoy meditsine [Clinical surgery in veterinary medicine]. — Minsk, 2010. — 600 p. 3. Lapshin A.N. Laparoskopiya v praktike veterinarnogo vracha [Laparoscopy in veterinary practice]. - VetPharma. — Moscow, 2013 (2). - pp. 76-79. 4. Pozyabin S.V., Shumakov N.I. Dinamika izmeneniya kislotno-osnovnogo i gazovogo sostava krovi pri provedenii laparoskopicheskikh operatsiy u sobak [Dynamics of changes in acid-base and blood gas during laparoscopic surgery in dogs]. - Veterinariya, zootekhniya i biotekhnologiya. — Moscow, 2014 (7). — pp. 28-32. 5. Pozyabin S.V., Shumakov N.I. Laparoskopicheskaya khirurgiya u melkikh domashnikh zhivotnykh: bezopasnost i effektivnost primeneniya [Laparoscopic surgery in small animals: safety and efficacy]. - Veterinariya, zootekhniya i biotekhnologiya. — Moscow, 2014 (11). — pp. 23-26. 6. Timofeyev, S.V. Obshchaya khirurgiya zhivotnykh/ S.V. Timofeyev, YU.I. Filipov, S.YU. Kontsevaya. - M.: Zoomedlit, 2007. - 687 s. 7-10. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Visloguzova Elena V., postgraduate student of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 10/2, Sakhalinskaya st., Krasnodar, 350087; phone: 8-960-4912994; e-mail: sonador2012@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.