UDC 619:616-008.96 Melnik R.N., Vinnikov M.G., Levkovich N.G., Samuylenko A.Ya., Melnik N.V., Borovoy V.N., Dresvyannikova S.G. Summary. Problems of adaptation of highly productive dairy cattle imported from abroad in different regions of the Russian Federation are considered in the article. Causes of metabolic disorders in animals, including disease of the limbs caused by necrobacillosis, endometritis and lesions of the breast are discussed by the authors. The role of the biological industry for improvement and implementation of innovative treatment-and-prophylactic means and methods for the conservation of highly productive animals is shown. One component of the national programme for the development of agriculture is the preservation of highly productive dairy cattle. The necessity of the highly productive dairy cattle is at the first place due to the fact that in recent years the livestock sector of Russia increasingly moves to industrial technology. Following activities, such as analysis of the conditions of keeping and feeding the animals on the farm of the customer, to determine the influence of these conditions on the condition of animals; control of the well-being on infectious and non-infectious diseases affecting reproduction and productivity of the livestock; development of complex of organizational, economic, sanitary, diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic measures; provision of routings for the relevant activities carried out by veterinarians, zootechnique, engineering service for the handling and calculation of the planned actions; evaluation of the efficiency of implemented measures: verification of balanced diets, metabolism, status of farms' dairy equipment, - must be systematically conducted in the purpose to save the imported and highly productive domestic livestock. 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Author affiliation: Vinnikov Mikhail G., applicant of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8(916)0287913; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Levkovich Nikolay G., applicant of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8(967)1625069; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Samuylenko AnatoliyYa., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Academician of the RAS, director of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8(910)4253914; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Melnik Nikolay V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, president of the National Association of veterinary-biological industry (Vetbioprom); 11/1, Sadovo-Spasskaia st., Moscow, 107139; phone: 8(905)5450346; e-mail: a-vbp@mail.ru. Borovoy Vladimir N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, vice-director of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; 11/1, Sadovo-Spasskaia st., Moscow, 107139; phone: 8(916)2369350; e-mail: borovoi-vn@mail.ru. Dresvyannikova Svetlana G., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Krasnodar regional station of fighting against animal diseases; 15/1, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8(861)2216360; e-mail: kraivet.dsg@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Melnik Roman N. , Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8(926)8510696; e-mail: mromanos@mail.ru.