UDC 619:616.37-089.853:636.7 Kostylev V.A. Summary. Inflammation of the gallbladder is accompanied by various clinical signs. Authors conducted clinical, differential diagnostic and ultrasonographic study of current stages of cholecystitis. 346 dogs with suspicion on cholecystitis were studied in experiment. Author revealed 35 dogs (27% of all cases) with initial, 51 dogs (40%) with medium and 42 dogs (33%) with advanced stage of cholecystitis. Identifiable clinical and ultrasonographic patterns indicate the presence of the three main stages of clinical course of cholecystitis. Algorithms of ultrasonographic diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cholecystitis in dogs are presented in the article. Data on clinical diagnostic criteria of dogs with cholecystitis, which include: anorexia, weight loss, vomiting, decreased skin turgor, icteric mucous membranes, abdominal pain, as well as results of ultrasonographic studies are established by the author. Analysis of the data allows to offer scientifically based algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of dogs at cholecystitis. Author presents scientifically based ultrasonographic characteristics of the three stages of cholecystitis in dogs. It was proved that the main clinical signs common to all stages of inflammation of the gallbladder are: anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased skin turgor, and ultrasonographic characteristics – presence of hyperechoic walls, increased thickness of the gallbladder wall, thickening of the mucus layer. Ultrasonographic characteristics of the third stage of cholecystitis is the presence of hyperechoic stones sizes up to 5-7 mm. Keywords: dog, gallbladder, cholecystitis, ultrasonography, echogram, ultrasonic research, echogenicity, hyperechoic concrement, icterus mucous membrane, anorexia, skin turgor. References: 1. Simpson James U., Els Roderik U. Bolezni pishchevaritelnoi sistemy sobak i koshek [Alimentary diseases in dogs and cats]. – OOO "Akvarium-Print". – Moscow, 2007. – 496 p. 2. Kolodii I.V., Derezina T.N., Zhivaia S.S., Dutova Yu.Yu. Khronicheskie diffuznye zabolevaniia pecheni u sobak: ultrazvukovye i morfologicheskie paralleli [Chronic diffuse liver diseases in dogs: ultrasonographic and morphological parallels]. – Veterinarnaya patologiya. – 2010 (4). – pp. 43-45. 3. Shabanov A.M., Zorina A.I., Tkachev-Kuzmin A.A. Ultrazvukovaya diagnostika vnutrennikh boleznei melkikh domashnikh zhivotnykh [Ultrasound diagnostics of internal diseases of small animals]. – Kolos, 2005. – 138 p. 4. Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography / Dominique Penninck, Marc-Andre d,Anjou, 2008. 5. Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, volume 3, The Dog and Cat / Stanley H. Done, Peter C. Goody, Susan A. Evans, Neil C. Stickland. 2009. Author affiliation: Kostylev Vladislav A., postgraduate student of the depertment of veterinary surgery of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow; ph.: 8(916)3779698; e-mail: vkstylev@rambler.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.