UDC 619:616.98:578.828.11:637.123 Donnik I.M., Petropavlovskii M.V. Summary. One of the most powerful factors shaping resistance of the newborn is colostrum. Its qualitative characteristic is reflected in the formation of immunity, protecting organizm from environmental factors. Study of the dynamics of changes in the level of amino acids in the colostrum of infected and healthy animals allows an assessment of the resistance of the newborn calves and forming his immunity. Purpose of the study was to investigate the qualitative characteristics of colostrum from healthy and sick with leucose number of cows on the dynamics of the level of the amino acid composition. Two groups of cows were selected: first – positive and diseased, and second – cows free of infection. The colostrum from these cows was investigated on the 1st and 5th day on a liquid chromatograph SHIMADZU (Japan) to determine the dynamics of quantitative characteristics of amino acid content. Dynamics of sharp reduction of amino acids was installed in colostrum of diseased cows in the first 5 days. Dynamics of the same qualitative characteristics of colostrum from healthy animals on the level of amino acids shows that their number within the first 5 days after calving increases, which makes this product more qualitative, capable of forming a protective forces of the organism. Keywords: leukemia virus, Elisa, immune diffusion reaction, anti-leukemic activities, colostrum, amino acid, immunological parameters, cattle, newborn calves, infected animals, biochemical studies. References: 1. Guliukin M.I., Donnik I.M., Tatarchuk A.T., Krasnoperov V.A., Smirnov P.N. Metodologicheskaia sistema ozdorovitelnykh meropriiatii pri leikoze krupnogo rogatogo skota: nauchno-prakticheskie rekomendatsii [Methodological system of health measures in large horned cattle at leucose: scientific and practical recommendations]. – Uralskoe izdatelstvo. – Yekaterinburg, 2007. – 224 p. 2. Gulyukin M.I., Valikhov A.F., Nakhmanson V.M., Ivanova L.A., Grek K.P., Lopunov S.V. Osobennosti infektsionnogo protsessa, indutsirovannogo virusom leikoza krupnogo rogatogo skota [Features of infectious process in large horned cattle induced by leucose virus]. – VIEV. – Moscow, 2008. – pp. 106-113. 3. Donnik I.M., Smirnov P.N., Sivkov G.S., Shevkoplias V.N., Shkuratova I.A., Tatarchuk A.T. Sistema meropriiatii ozdorovleniia krupnogo rogatogo skota ot leikoza v Ural’skom federal’nom okruge [System of improvement measures in large horned cattle at leucose in the Ural Federal District]. – Uralskoe izdatelstvo. – Yekaterinburg, 2008. – 66 p. 4. Donnik I.M., Petropavlovskii M.V., Tatarchuk A.T. Chuvstvitelnost i spetsifichnost diagnosticheskikh testov (RID, IFA, PTSR) v vyiavlenii virusonositelei virusa leykoza sredi ozdoravlivaemogo ot leikoza pogolovia krupnogo rogatogo skota [Sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests (RIA, ELISA, PCR) in detecting virus carriers among large horned cattle]. – Uralskoe izdatelstvo. – Yekaterinburg, 2010. – pp. 113-118. 5. Pavlenko O.B. Morfologiia kletochnogo sostava sekreta molochnykh zhelez korov [Morphology of cellular structure of mammary glands’ secretion of cows]. – Veterinarnaia patologiia. – 2013 (2). – pp. 40-42. 6. Petropavlovski M.V. Effektivnost diagnosticheskikh testov v vyiavlenii virusa leykoza krupnogo rogatogo skota v ozdoravlivaiemykh ot leikoza stadakh [Efficiency of diagnostic tests in detecting leucose virus in large horned cattle herds]. – Yekaterinburg, 2010. – 26 p. 7. Kuckleburg C.J., Chase C.C., Nelson E.A., Marras S.A.E., Dammen M.A., Christopher-Hennings J. Detection of bovine leukemia virus in blood and milk by nested and real-time polymerase chain reactions // Vet Diagn Invest, 2003, 15, Р.72–76. Author affiliation: Donnik Irina M., D.Sc. in Biology, Academician of RAAS, professor, rector of the Urals State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekta st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk area, 620075; phone: 8 (343) 371-33-63; e-mail: rector@urgau.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Petropavlovskii Maksim V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Senior Scientific Researcher of the Ural Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 112a, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620219; phone: 8 (343) 2572044; e-mail: info@urnivi.ru.