UDC 579.62 Skorodumov D.I., Karabanov S.Iu. Summary. Article is devoted to the study of antibiotic susceptibility strains of S. aureus, S. intermedius and P. aeruginosa, the definition of the MIC and MBEC. All pathological material was obtained from 50 dogs of various ages and different breeds. During the study, 188 different cultures of microorganisms were allocated. In this research were taken 37 strains of S. aureus, 31 strains of S. intermedius and 10 strains of P. aeruginosa. Strains of S. aureus and S. intermedius showed sensitivity to different groups of antibiotics. Among them were the following drugs as erythromycin (100% sensitive strains), clindamycin (98.65%), ciprofloxacin (100%), levofloxacin (100%), vancomycin (94.35%), gentamicin (100%), benzylpenicillin (100%), oxacillin (93.25%), imipenem (100%), ampicillin (94.05%) and cefotaxime (98.65%). All isolates of P. aeruginosa showed multiresistance against antibiotics except ciprofloxacin (100% of the strains were sensitive). Besides that this work presents the results of determination the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) for these groups of antibiotics. The obtained results show the difference values of the MIC and MBEC. The difference may be up to several hundred times. Doubtless is the fact that with such a difference in the concentration of antibacterial drugs to kill the biofilm and planktonic forms of bacteria, the veterinary expert has to change the existing scheme of treatment of animals. Based on data received in this research by determining MBEC vet can prescribe more effective treatment, which will lead to more rapid recovery of the animal. Key words: veterinary science, antibiotic, biofilm, otitis dogs, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC), antibiotic sensitivity, resistance, strain, S. aureus, S. intermedius, P. aeruginosa. References: 1. Skvortsov V.N., Safonova N.A., Balbutskaia A.A., Makhanev V.V., Voitenko A.V. Antimikrobnaia aktivnost’ ofloksatsina v otnoshenii mikroorganizmov, vydelenny khotbol’nykh zhivotnykh [Ofloxacin’s antimicrobial activity to microorganisms isolated in sick animals]. – Veterinarnaia patologiia. – Moscow, 2011 (3). – pp. 100-103. 2. Gostev V.V., Sidorenko S.V. Bakterialnye bioplenki i infektsii [Bacterial biofilms and infections]. – Zhurnal infektologii. – Saint-Petersburg, 2010 (2 (3)). – pp. 4-15. 3. Liamin A.V., Botkin E.A., Zhestkov A.V. Metody vyivleniia bioplenok v meditsine: vozmozhnosti i perspektivy [Methods for detection of biofilms in medicine: opportunities and prospects]. – 2012: 17-22. 4. Cole L.K., Kwochka K.W., Kowalski J.J. and other. Microbial flora and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of isolated pathogens from the horizontal ear canal and middle ear in dogs with otitis media. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 212, P. 534-538 5. Donlan, R.M. Biofilms: Survival Mechanisms of Clinically Relevant Microorganisms, R.M. Donlan, J.W. Costerton, Clin. Microbiol. Rev. - 2002. - Vol. 15, No 2. - Р. 167-193. 6. Lewis K., Persister cells and the riddle of biofilm survival. Biochemistry 70(2), P. 327 – 336, 2005. 7. Pintucci J.P., Corno S, Garotta M. Biofilms and infections of the upper respiratory tract. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2010; 14: P. 683-90. 8. Saridomichelakis M.N., Fermaki R., Leontides L.S and other. Aetology of canine otitis externa: a retrospective study of 100 cases. Veterinary Dermatology. 18, P. 341-347. 9. Scott D.W., Miller W.H. Griffin C.E. diseases of the eyelids, claws, anal sacs and ears. In: Miller and Kirk’s Small Anima Dermatology. Philadelpia, PA, USA. Pp 1185-1236. Author affiliation: Skorodumov Dmitry I., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the Moscow State University of Food Production; 11, Volokolamskoe hgw., Moscow, 125080;phone: 8(905)750-01-11; e-mail: mikrob.mgupp@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Karabanov Sergey Yu., post-graduate student of the Moscow State University of Food Production; 11, Volokolamskoe hgw., Moscow, 125080; phone: 541-98-56; email: karabans89@gmail.com.