UDC 619:616-07:578. 828.2/001.8:636.2 Donnik I.M., Petropavlovskii M.V. Summary. Positive results are obtained on the study of the diagnostic value of syncytial test for early detection of virus carriers of bovine leukemia for the first time in the Urals region. Intraperitoneal infection of laboratory animals (sheep and goats) with leucocyte suspension containing viral material was carried by the authors. Group of isolated contained animals was formed for comparative diagnostic study; it was weekly investigated by serological, molecular-genetic, cultural diagnostic studies, beginning from the sixth day after infection. Laboratory studies confirmed the diagnostic value of direct methods for the identification of the causative agent of leucose of large horned cattle. Positive reaction in syncytial method of research, which was confirmed by controls, was detected in the earliest period (13 days) after artificial infection of laboratory animals. Positive PCR was revealed in 21 days, while reaction of immune diffusion and ELISA – only on the 37th day (5th week). Early developed diagnosis of leucose will increase the efficiency of improvement of the agricultural enterprises of the infection, as the isolation of infected animals at the earliest timing is one of the priorities in the implementation of health programs. Key words: leucose of large horned cattle, retrovirus, diagnostics, syncytial test, RID (reaction of immune diffusion), ELISA, PCR (polymerase chain reaction), cell culture, early identification of the virus. References: 1. Guliukin M.I., Zamoraeva N.V., Abramov V.A. Sostoyanie i perspektivy borby s leikozom krupnogo rogatogo skota [Status and prospects of the fighting against bovine leukemia]. – Veterinariia. – Moscow, 1999 (12). – pp. 3-8. 2. Donnik I.M., Trofimov O.V., Pak I.V. Tsitogeneticheskie i proteomnye podkhody k poisku markerov leykoza krupnogo rogatogo skota [Cytogenetic and proteomic approaches to the search for markers of bovine leukemia]. – Veterinariia. – Moscow, 2012 (2). – pp. 26-29. 3. Donnik I.M., Shkuratova I.A., Tatarchuk A.T. Eksperimentalnye dannye po effektivnosti diagnosticheskikh issledovanii na rannikh stadiiakh virusonositelstva VL KRS [Experimental data on the effecacy of diagnostic tests on early stages of virus infection]. – Yekaterinburg, 2011. 4. Kozyreva N.G. Izuchenie chuvstvitelnosti i specifichnosti metodiki PTsR dlya vyiavleniya DNK provirusa leykoza KRS v biologicheskom materiale [Study of sensitivity and specificity of PCR technique for detection BLV provirus in biological samples]. – Veterinarnaia patologiia. – 2012 (2). – pp. 123-126. 5. Ferrer J.F., Piper C.E., Abt D.A., Marshak R.R. Diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus infection: evaluation of serologic and hematologic tests by a direct infectivity detection assay. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 1977; Dec. 38(12): 1977-81. Author affiliation: Donnik Irina M., D.Sc. in Biology, Academician of RAAS, professor, rector of the Urals State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekta st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk area, 620075; phone: 8 (343) 371-33-63; e-mail: rector@urgau.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Petropavlovskii Maksim V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Senior Scientific Researcher of the Ural Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 112a, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620219; phone: 8 (343) 2572044; e-mail: info@urnivi.ru.