UDС 619:616–006:636.7 CANINE MASTOCYTIS AND HISTIOCYTOMA IN CONDITIONS OF ULAN-UDE Khanhasykov S.P. Summary. Boxers, Boston terriers, Scottish terriers, Schnauzers, Cocker spaniels, Bull mastiffs, Labrador Retrievers and Basset Hounds are the most susceptible breeds of dogs to skin tumors. Mastocytis may develop in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue and is noted in animals of all age groups. More common in boxers. Cutaneous histiocytoma develops in dogs between 2 and 6 years old. Tumors occur on the head, especially on the ears, on the feet of pelvic limbs and torso. Authors have determined its place in the structure of canine skin tumors in Ulan-Ude, age and breed predisposition animals, as well as localization of tumors. Authors diagnosed histiocytes in 12,10% of the total number of canine skin tumors. Age of dogs was in an average of 4 years. Mongrel dogs were more susceptible to disease (60%). 20% of the total number of histiocytes was observed in dogs of Boxer and the Giant Schnauzer breed. Authors detected tumors of rounded-oval form with dense consistency and the size of a walnut, on hyperemic areas on the scalp. Microscopic examination of the cells revealed round and oval nuclei containing one or more nucleoli. Collagen fibers are plentiful. Mastocytoma was diagnosed in 7,31% of the total number of skin tumors. In this case, 66,67% is accounted for Boxers and 33,33% – Bull mastiffs. Average age of dogs was 7 years and 9 months. Tumor is represented by a single node of dense consistency. Node is movable, hairless, reddish-purple in color, as a walnut in a size. Main location of the tumor is the femur area. Microscopic examination revealed rounded cells with large nucleus filled with euchromatin. Cytoplasm of both types of cells contain lipofuscin, glycogen granules. Key words: skin tumors, dog mastocytoma, histiocytoma, structure, age, breed, macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, diagnostics. References 1. Kutsina O.A. Novoobrazovaniya kozhi u sobak i koshek [Canine and feline skin tumors]. – Moscow, 2006. – pp. 69-72. 2. Merkulov G.A. Kurs patogistologicheskoy tekhniki [Pathohistological technique course]. – Meditsina. – Leningrad, 1969. – 87 p. 3. Uayt R. Onkologicheskie zabolevaniya melkikh domashnikh zhivotnykh [Neoplastic diseases of small animals]. - Akvarium LTD. – Moscow, 2003. – pp. 88-89, 177-189. 4. Kraevsky N.A., Smolyaninov A.V., Sarkisov D.S. Rukovodstvo po patologоanatomicheskoy diagnostike opukholey cheloveka [Manual for pathologic diagnosticis of human tumors]. – Meditsina. – Moscow, 1982. – 511 p. 5. Selina V.M. Opukholi kozh i sobak [Canine skin tumors]. – Riel. – Irkutsk, 2012. – pp. 26-27. 6. Stephen J., Withrow E., MacEwen G. Small animal clinical oncology – 3rd edition, 2001. P. 311 – 317. Author affiliation: Khankhasykov Sergey P., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior lecturer of the department of anatomy, histology and pathologic morphology of the Philippov Buryat State Agricultural Academy; 8, Pushkina st., Ulan-Ude, 670034; phone: +7(3012)23-07-92, +7(914)8424580; e-mail: hanhasykov@mail.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.