rus eng
Issues / 04/13 Print

Chronic toxicity determination of probiotic «Promomix C»

UDC 619:615.9]:636. 087.7


Shirina A.A.

Summary. Authors studied toxicological effect of a new probiotic "Promomix C" on living organisms at prolonged use. Determination of chronic toxicity of probiotic feed additives was carried out on clinically healthy mongrel white mice and Pharaoh quail. 3 doses of probiotic "Promomix C" 3-, 5- and 10-multiple on the intended preventive (0,2%) were studied. Probiotic was injected with feed continuously for 42 days with follow-up of laboratory animals. During the entire experiment mice and poultry were mobile and active, the wool and feather cover was smooth and shiny.

Live weight of mice and quail significantly increased in comparison with control groups. There was a tendency to an increase in morphological parameters in the blood of mice. Thus, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the experimental groups exceeded that in control, indicating a better blood oxygen saturation and enhancing the metabolic processes and energy. There was a significant increase in the level of total protein in the blood serum of mice after using probiotic. Similar tendency was observed in the study of quail blood indices. Statistically significant increase was observed at the study of quail blood serum in such indices as total protein, cholesterol, calcium and phosphorus.

Authors histologically examined organs and tissues (heart, lungs, stomach, small and large intestines, liver and kidneys) of laboratory animals and birds. Pathological study and histological examination of the internal organs of animals and birds revealed no degenerative, necrotic and other pathological changes in their structure.

According to studies of chronic toxicity "Promomix C" authors indicated that bacterial additive for prolonged use at doses higher than preventive in dozens of times, showed no toxic effects on the organism.

Key words: chronic toxicity, prophylactic dose, probiotic additive, mice, quail, morphology, histology, biochemistry, autopsy.


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Author affiliation: Shirina Anna A., postgraduate student of the department of bio-technology, biochemistry and biophysics of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8(961)518-07-22 – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.


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