Krasnobaeva O.A., Krasnobaev Y.V., Gontsova L.P., Kiselyov A.L. Summary Both the viability of the embryo and post-embryonic development of the chicken largely depends on the conditions of incubation. Even just a laid egg can be infected with the various microorganisms, the number of which often reaches significant volume. In this case, the egg itself is the biological vector of diseases transmission. Most of modern farms continue to use formalin for the large majority of the activities, connected with the disinfectant. Despite its high disinfecting ability it has a number of negative features, affecting the embryo, as well as the staff. Numerous studies and the experience of the application at the number of poultry farms, showed that formalin can be replaced without the loss of incubation quality. One of the methods to do this by means of Virocid, which is active against a variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi and algae (including vegetative and spore-bearing form). Virocid application allows you to reduce bacterial contamination of the eggs shell surface not only at the time of treatment, but, due to prolonged effect, to keep it under control in the process of incubation. The use of the 10% Virocid solution in the disinfecting chamber in the 20 ml/m3 dose by aerosol method, allows to reduce the incubation waste an average 1-2% and thus significantly increase the output of healthy poults. Key words: microorganisms, disinfection, hatching eggs, hatchery, poultry farming, Virocid, formalin, healthy poults, Biosafety, efficiency. References - Bessarabov B.F., Melnikova I.I., Gontsova L.P. Primenenie preparata VV-1 dlya dezinfektsii inkubatsionnykh yaits raznykh vidov ptits [Use of BB-1 for disinfection of hatching eggs of different species of birds]. – 2005: pp. 47 – 48.
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Author affiliation Krasnobaeva Oksana A., Ph.D. in Biology; Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Ac. Scryabin st., Moscow, 109472; ph.: 8(495)3723378. Krasnobaev Yury V., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Ac. Scryabin st., Moscow, 109472; ph.: 8(495)3723378. Gontsova Lyudmila P., Ph.D. in Agriculture, docent of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Ac. Scryabin st., Moscow, 109472; ph.: 8(495)3723378. Kiselyov Andrey L., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Ac. Scryabin st., Moscow, 109472; phone: 8(495)3723378. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Akimova Alina A., RABOS Int.; 21, 47 km of MCR, Govorovo vllg, Lenin district, Moscow area, 142784; ph.: 8(495)7857121.