УДК 636.934.57.085 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-3-43-45 Kvartnikova E.G. Summary. Any scientific research on animals is accompanied by hematological indicators. Hematological parameters for different types of farm animals and their physiological conditions are not normalized. Reference values with a very wide range are used to interpret hematological parameters. The aim of the study was to establish the relationship of hematological parameters of pregnant and lactating rabbits with the diet of dry type of feeding. In physiological experiments on pregnant and lactating rabbits of the Soviet Chinchilla breed, it was found that the morphological parameters of rabbit blood during reproduction are quite stable and do not depend on the content of vitamin and mineral premix in the diet. Biochemical parameters of rabbit blood serum during reproduction are more susceptible to various factors than morphological ones. In pregnant rabbits, with the same level of protein in the diet, the total protein of blood serum and albumin is significantly higher (p<0.05) in the absence of a vitamin-mineral premix in the complete feed. Lactating rabbits have a significantly increased de Ritis coefficient compared with the period of pregnancy (control - from 0.58 to 0.97; experiment - from 0.68 to 1.33), significantly higher albumin levels in the experimental group and glucose levels in both groups. Keywords: fur animals, pregnant rabbits, lactating rabbits, hematological parameters, balance experiments, complete compound feed, vitamin and mineral premix. Author affiliation: Kvartnikova Elizaveta G., D. Sc. in Agriculture, Professor, Chief Scientific Researcher of the Department of Fur Farming 45 and Rabbit Breeding of the V. A. Afanasyev Scientific Research Institute of Fur Farming and Rabbit Breeding; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki vllg., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-495-7442642; e-mail: liza.kvartnikova@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.