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Issues / 03/23 Print

Hematological manifestations of babesiosis in dogs of different age groups

УДК: 619:616.928.7:636.7
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-3-51-53

Bespalova N. S., Shabunin B. V., Krutov I. O.

Summary. Despite the widespread prevalence of canine babesiosis, there is virtually no data in the literature on its course and manifestations in animals of different ages. At the same time, the age of the animal plays a big role in predicting the course and prescribing effective treatment, which is why studying the manifestations of babesiosis in dogs of different ages is currently relevant. The article presents data on the study of the manifestations of babesiosis in dogs of different age groups. The authors identified the frequency of deviations in morphological blood parameters using diagrams. When analyzing the data obtained on the morphological profile of the blood of dogs of different age groups with babesiosis, it was found that the number of erythrocytes, which is the most informative, can remain normal in 30% of cases. Babesiasis is most pronounced in dogs under 2 years of age, and animals aged 2 to 7 years often do not have changes in the morphological composition of the blood. Therefore, if babesiosis is suspected, microscopy of an enriched blood smear should be performed.

Keywords: canine babesiosis, Babesia canis, blood smear, blood test, morphological blood profile, blood microscopy, age.


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3-5. Vide supra.

Author affiliation:

Bespalova Nadezhda S., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise, Epizootology and Parasitology of the Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Peter the Great; 1, Michurina st., Voronezh, 394087; e-mail:

Krutov Ilya O., student of the Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Peter the Great; 1, Michurina st., Voronezh, 394087; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Shabunin Boris V., student of the Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Peter the Great; 1, Michurina st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-920-4167311; e-mail:


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