УДК 619:616.995.128.11 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-3-46-50 Bittirov A. M., Lysenko А. А., Gazaeva A. A Summary. The article is devoted to monitoring the trematode Fasciola hepatica as an epizootic, epidemic and sanitary-hygienic threat to the habitat of animals and humans in the foothill zone of the Northern Caucasus. Studies of fecal samples of adult cows, sheep and goats from Herpegezh (foothill zone), as well as diagnostic studies of the feces of adult residents for the presence of eggs Fasciola hepatica showed that the incidence indices of fascioliasis (Fasciola hepatica) infestation from March to November 2022 in populations of large and small cattle increased by 2.6-3.2 times, which is due to the accumulation of invasion in the liver and the increase in the number of biota of limneids and adolescaria in soil, grass and water samples. At the same time, a study of the feces of residents from Gerpegezh (foothill zone) for the presence of eggs Fasciola showed the absence of zoonotic disease, which, in our opinion, is the result of programmatic sanitary and hygienic work with the population. In the rural pastures of the foothill zone, the contamination of soil samples from March to November with F. hepatica eggs increased from 59.4 to 100%, grass, respectively, from 76.3 to 100%, and water samples, from 65.7 to 100%, which allowed the soil to Grass and water in piedmont rural pastures should be considered active biotopes that form foci of invasion. The high level of sanitary contamination of soil, grass and water samples with invasive eggs of Fasciola hepatica in the conditions of rural pastures in the foothill zone is a consequence of the lack of planning and regularity of preventive work. Deworming of animals, both routine and forced treatments, is carried out with incomplete coverage of the herd; their terms and frequency are not observed. The dynamics of the abundance indices of eggs Fasciola hepatica in soil, grass and water samples in rural pastures in the foothill zone also indicates a constantly growing, dynamic monthly level of their pollution. The abundance indices of eggs Fasciola hepatica in soil samples from March to November 2022 in rural pastures of the foothill zone increased from 8.6±0.7 to 53.6±3.5 eggs per 1 kg of sample, grass respectively from 5.3±0.4 to 40.8±3.0 copies per 1 kg and water samples - from 3.8±0.3 to 31.4±2.3 copies in 1 liter of sample, which is associated with an increase in animal disease and fecal load on the ecosystem of pastures in foothill rural settlements. Our data are recommended to the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation of the Kabardino-Balkaria for the development of regulatory documents for the protection of the external environment (soil, grass and water) from contamination by helminth eggs. Keywords: Northern Caucasus, region, animals, humans, monitoring, fascioliasis, invasion, trematode, Fasciola hepatica, soil, grass, water, eggs, index, contamination, dynamics, season, sanitation, hygiene. References: 1. Alieva A. A., Bittirova A. A. Epidemiologicheskiy analiz ekhinokokkoza cheloveka v regione Severnogo Kavkaza [Epidemiological analysis of human echinococcosis in the North Caucasus region]. - 2016: 78-81. 2. Bittirov A. M. 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Vide supra. Author affiliation: Lysenko Aleksandr A., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, professor of the Department of Therapy and Pharmacology of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-961-5075415; e-mail: vet.kubgau@mail.ru. Gazaeva Asiyat A., lecturer-researcher of the department of veterinary and sanitary expertise of the Kabardino-Balkaria State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov; 1, Lenina st., Nalchik, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, 360030; e-mail: asia1993@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Bittirov Anatoly M., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, chief scientific researcher of the Laboratory for the study of parasitic diseases of farm animals and birds of the Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal agricultural scientific center of the Republic of Dagestan; 88, Dakhadaeva st., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000; phone: 8-928-7175574; e-mail: bam_58a@mail.ru.