УДК 619:615.285 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-3-43-45 Levchenko M. A., Shumilova P. A. Summary. The purpose of these studies was to study the possible effect of piperanyl butoxide on the insecticidal efficacy of acetamiprid against female and male houseflies Musca domestica laboratory population. This substance plays an important role in overcoming insect resistance to insecticides. The effect of piperanyl butoxide on the effectiveness of insecticides against pests has been confirmed by some studies, where it significantly increases the toxicity of chlorpyrifos, metomil, acetamiprid and spirotetramate against the cotton bug O. hyalinipennis, and in combination with pyrethroids and neonicotinoids increases their toxicity against natural populations of houseflies in Turkey with unknown resistance to them. It is also known that insect resistance to the effects of chemical pollutants depends on gender, age and different stages of the life cycle. Thus, according to some authors, chemicals demonstrate a certain sexual bias in Drosophila melanogaster in a reaction caused by exposure to sodium fluoride. According to literature sources, no data on the intestinal insecticidal efficacy of combinations of acetamipride and piperanyl butoxide (PBO) depending on the sex of houseflies Musca domestica have been revealed. According to the results of our studies, a mixture of acetamiprid and piperanyl butoxide (PBO) in a ratio of 1:20 against female and male houseflies Musca domestica of the laboratory population gives an increase in the insecticidal effect of acetamiprid by 28 and 17 times, respectively. An increase in the degree of toxicity by 5-11 times of acetamiprid and acetamiprid solutions with PPB in a combination of 1:10 and 1:20 per male relative to female houseflies was found. The revealed effective combination of substances taking into account the sex of insects can become the basis for the development of new methods and insecticidal agents against houseflies Musca domestica. Keywords: piperanyl butoxide, acetamipride, effective combinations, resistance, houseflies, females, males, intestinal action. References: 1. Davlianidze T., Eremina O. Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoe znachenie i rezistentnost k insektitsidam komnatnykh mukh Musca domestica [Sanitary and epidemiological significance and resistance to insecticides of houseflies Musca domestica]. - 2021: 72-86. -https://doi.org/10.31993/2308-6459-2021-104-2-14984 2. Ibragimkhalilova I. V., Eremina O. Yu. Razrabotka metoda otsenki otravlennykh primanok i sravnenie kontaktnogo i kishechnogo deystviya insektitsidov na primere komnatnoy mukhi Musca domestica L. k insektitsidam [Development of a method for evaluating poisoned baits and comparison of the contact and intestinal effects of insecticides on the example of a housefly, household fly L. to insecticides]. - Agrochemistry. - 2007 (12). - P. 56. 3-12. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Shumilova Polina A., junior scientific researcher of the Laboratory of veterinary problems in animal husbandry of the AllRussian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology; 2, Institutskaya st., Tyumen, 625041; e-mail: sirota.polina@gmail.com. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Levchenko Mikhail A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Laboratory of veterinary problems in animal husbandry of the AllRussian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology; 2, Institutskaya st., Tyumen, 625041; phone: 8-3452-258558; e-mail: levchenko-m-a@mail.ru.