УДК619:616.995.1. DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-3-24-25 Bakrieva R.M., Abdulmagomedov S.Sh., Aliev A.Yu. Summary. Theileriosis is an acute or subacute transmissible disease of the large horned cattle, caused by non-pigmented protozoa, with severe pathological changes in all internal organs. The spread of theileriosis and the nature of the manifestation of disease has a significant impact on the diversity of natural, climatic and economic conditions in various landscape zones, the breed composition of animals, the multiplicity of tick species that carry the pathogen, the state of ongoing anti-tick measures and the lack of specific therapeutic and prophylactic agents, complicate the epizootic situation on theileriosis of the large horned cattle in the Republic of Dagestan. The invasion causes significant economic damage to livestock, due to a decrease in productivity and a large increase of deaths, especially of young animals. The disease has a focal distribution and is recorded in the large horned cattle in the form of enzootics, in all zones of vertical zonality, depending on the state of activity and the population size of ticks from the genus Hyalomma (H. marginatum, H. anatolicum, H. plumbeum and H. scupenze). The therapeutic efficacy of Plaquenil at experimental theileriosis of the large horned cattle was carried out on the basis of the Stalsk collective farm, which was permanently unfavorable on piroplasmosis of large horned cattle. As a result of the studies 83.3% efficiency of plaquenil, in dose of 1,2 mg/ kg according to the active ingredient (200 mg tablet), orally, with water in the form of suspensions, 1 time per day for during 4-5 days, was established. Five animals recovered out of six from experimental group. The effect of the complex preparation was studied on animals, spontaneously infected with theileriosis. 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Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Bakrieva Rabiyat M., scientific researcher of the Laboratory for the Study of Invasive Diseases of Farm Animals and Poultry of the Caspian Zonal Research Veterinary Institute -branch of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan; 88, Dakhadaeva st., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000; e-mail: nauka800@gmail.com.