УДК 618:619 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-3-12-13 Chekrysheva V.V., Klimenko A.I., Mltikhyan V.Kh. Summary. The article presents data on the clinical manifestation of serous and catarrhal mastitis in cows in the conditions of the cattle farm of the SPK (collective farm) «Kolos» of the Myasnikovsky district of the Rostov region. The study of this pathology was carried out in the period from 2018 to 2021. When analyzing the data obtained, we found that clinical mastitis in cows has quite pronounced clinical signs. With serous and catarrhal forms of mastitis, they manifest themselves in the form of general oppression of the animal, apathy, there is a slight decrease in appetite. The body temperature in serous mastitis is slightly increased, while in the catarrhal form of mastitis, there is a significant increase in body temperature. With serous mastitis, the pulse and the number of respiratory movements are at the upper limits of the norm. In the catarrhal form, the pulse and the number of respiratory movements exceed the physiological parameters of the norm. Also, both in acute serous and catarrhal mastitis, the mammary gland is enlarged in size, dense in consistency, hyperemic, painful, edematous, local temperature is increased in the affected areas of the udder. In the catarrhal form of mastitis, changes are recorded in the supraventral lymph nodes. With clinically pronounced forms of mastitis, a change in the properties of the exudate is observed. So, with serous mastitis, it becomes watery with a bluish tint, and with a catarrhal form, it is marked with an admixture of casein flakes. In both forms of clinical mastitis, the amount of secretion is significantly reduced, milking is difficult. Keywords: mastitis, serous mastitis, catarrhal mastitis, inflammation of the mammary gland, mammary gland, udder, large horned cattle, cows. References: 1. Khramtsov V.V., Grigoryeva T.E., Nikitin V.Ya., Mirolyubov M.G. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Obstetrics and gynecology of farm animals]. - KolosS. - Moscow, 2008. - 197 p. 2. Bozhenov S.E., Griga E.N., Griga O.E. Rasprostranenie i prichiny vozniknoveniya ostrogo mastita u korov [Distribution and causes of acute mastitis in cows]. - Veterinarnaya patologiya. - Rostov-on-Don, 2013 (1). - pp. 5-7. 3. Golovko A.N., Vegtomov V.Ya. Etiopatogenez i terapiya mastita u korov [Etiopathogenesis and therapy of mastitis in cows]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2011 (11). - pp. 35-36. 4. Goncharov V.P., Cherepakhina D.A. Akusherstvo, ginekologiya i biotekhnika razmnozheniya zhivotnykh [Obstetrics, gynecology and animal reproduction biotechnology]. - KolosS. - Moscow, 2004. - 365 p. 5. Maltsev S.A. Kompleksnaya programma po kontrolyu mastita v molochnom zhivotnovodstve [Comprehensive program for the control of mastitis in dairy farming]. - Veterinariya selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh. - 2010 (11). - pp. 14-21. 6. Nikulshina Yu.B. Kompleksnyy metod lecheniya razlichnykh form mastita korov [Comprehensive method for the treatment of various forms of mastitis in cows]. - Saratov, 2004. - 168 p. 7. Chekrysheva V.V. Diagnostika i ratsionalnye metody terapii pri klinicheskom mastite korov [Diagnostics and rational methods of therapy for clinical mastitis of cows]. - Krasnodar, 2013. Author affiliation: Klimenko Aleksandr I., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D.Sc. in Agriculture, professor, director of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center; 1, Institutskaya st., Rassvet sttl., Aksayskiy district, Rostov region, 346735; phone: 8-86350-37389. Mltykhyan Vasily Kh., postgraduate student of the North Caucasian Zonal Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center; 0, Rostovskoe hgw., Novocherkassk, Rostov region, 346421; phone: 8-989-6229440; e-mail: vasya_114ayd@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chekrysheva Viktoria V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the North Caucasian Zonal Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center; 0, Rostovskoe hgw., Novocherkassk, Rostov region, 346421; phone: 8-908-5110139; e-mail: veterinar1987@mail.ru.