DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-3-31-32 Levchenko M.A. Summary. The growth of the world population and the growing food shortage in the world dictate the need to increase agricultural production, which implies, along with the involvement of a very limited array of reserve and uncultivated agricultural lands, ensuring further intensification of production, where one of the most effective areas is the use of pesticides. Increased use of pesticides can lead to environmental disaster. Therefore, recently, new approaches have been considered in the fight against harmful insects and mites in agriculture, namely the development and introduction of environmentally friendly insecticides based on medicinal and aromatic plants. The composition of these plant insecticides contains active active substances, which can be of different quality and quantity, depending on the growing conditions of these plants. Consequently, they can have, to varying degrees, possible negative effects on living organisms. One of these substances is monoterpene linalool, which has the potential to have high toxicity for pests and low toxicity for non-target organisms, rapid biodegradability in the environment, which demonstrates its promise in the development of new insectoacaricides. Literature review on the effect of linalool on non-target living organisms is provided in the article. For this, the databases Medline, Pubmed, Web of Science, Google Scholar and eLibrary.ru were analyzed for the period of 1989-2021. According to the results of the work, it was revealed that in addition to the toxic effect on animals, linalool has useful properties in the treatment of diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature, and also has a sedative effect. This can be taken into account when carrying out multidirectional activities, including at the objects of veterinary supervision. Keywords: animals, plants, insecticides, linalool, toxicity, useful properties, non-target objects, acaricides, pesticides, treatment of diseases, sedative effect. References: 1. Paptsov A.G., Popova A.G. Mirovoy rynok sredstv khimicheskoy zashchity rasteniy i tendentsii ego razvitiya [World market of chemical plant protection products and trends in its development]. - Agro-food policy in Russia. - Tyumen, 2013 (11 (23)). - pp. 104-107. 2-36. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Levchenko Mikhail A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Laboratory of veterinary problems in animal husbandry of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology; 2, Institutskaya st., Tyumen, 625041; phone: 8-3452-258558; e-mail: levchenko-m-a@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.