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Issues / 03/21 Print

Productivity increase in selection of pairs in rabbit breeding

DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-3-22-24

Prokhorenko T.V., Karelina T.K.

Summary. According to the literature, an increase in the productivity of animals can be achieved by various methods of selection and breeding work. One of these methods is pairing. Matching of pairs can be carried out according to one, two, several signs of productivity. The article presents a comparative analysis of the selection of offspring females with different levels of fertility: mothers with a high, medium, low level and fathers with a high level (HxH, MxH, LxH). Authors studied the use of the method of selection of parental pairs for different types of mating according to fertility on the performance indicators of white giant rabbits. The experiments were carried out in the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev for three years on the livestock of white giant rabbits in the conditions of the shed keeping system. The strength of influence of mothers and fathers was determined on the basis of analysis of variance of a one-factor complex. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the Microsoft Excel and Statplus software package. According to the research results, the selection of parental pairs effectively affects the fertility of the offspring. When selecting pairs MxH and LxH, males act as improvers, as evidenced by the statistical data on the strength of the males' influence on fertility and the ability to transfer his qualities to offspring. Selection of parental pairs with different levels of fertility significantly affects the productivity of animals in general.

Keywords: rabbit, breed, white giant, selection, selection, mating, trait, fertility, productivity, offspring.


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Author affiliation:

Prokhorenko Tamara V., graduate student, junior scientific researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki vllg., Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-926-183-96-03; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Karelina Tamara K., Ph.D. in Agriculture, leading scientific researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding named after V.A. Afanasyev; 6, Trudovaya st., Rodniki vllg., Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, 140143; phone: 8-929-569-23-66; e-mail:


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