DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-3-17-18 Kotarev V.I., Ivanova N.N., Shipilov V.V. Summary. Balanced feeding is one of the factors affecting the increase in the productivity of poultry. To do this, it is necessary to develop poultry rations, taking into account the nutritional value of the feed used and their chemical composition. Currently, various feed additives of complex action are widely used in poultry feeding, which have an effect on the normalization of physiological processes that occur in the body, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the productivity of broiler chickens. The results of the influence of the Zaslon 2+ supplementary nutrition complex, which includes a synergistic mixture of minerals, essential oils and two strains of bacteria of the genus Bacillus, on the content of trace elements in the blood and liver of broiler chickens of the Ross 308 cross are presented in the article. For the experiment, the authors formed two groups of birds, 1,000 heads each. The control group chickens received the basic diet. In the experimental group, throughout the entire period of the study, the main diet was used in combination with the complex of additional nutrition Zaslon 2+. The beneficial effect of the drug on the concentration of minerals in the blood and liver of broiler chickens was noted throughout the experiment. Thus, the level of copper in the blood of birds of the experimental group on the 38th day of the study increased by 17.3%, zinc - by 31.4%, manganese - by 14.8% relative to the same indicators of the control group. The concentration of iron in the liver of broiler chickens of the group after the use of the supplementary feeding complex on the 38th day of the experiment was higher by 26.2%, manganese - by 23.5% compared to the control group. An increase in the content of trace elements in the blood and liver of a bird indicates an increase in the natural barrier of the birds' organism in relation to pathogenic microorganisms. Keywords: broiler chickens, liver, blood, trace elements, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, additional nutritional complex, pathogenic microorganisms. References: 1. Bobyleva G.A. Puti povysheniya effektivnosti proizvodstva yaits i yaytseproduktov v Rossii [Ways to improve the efficiency of egg and egg products production in Russia]. - Poultry and chicken products. - 2013 (4). - pp. 22-25. 2. GudinV.A.,LysovV.F.,MaksimovV.I.Fiziologiyaietiologiyasel'skokhozyaystvennykh ptits [Physiology and etiology of poultry]. - Lan, 2010. - 336 p. 3. Ignatovich L.S. Komponentnye kormovye dobavki v ratsionakh kur-nesushek [Component feed additives in the diets of laying hens]. - Ptitsevodstvo. - Moscow, 2013 (7). - pp. 9-12. 4. Kotarev V.I., Ivanova N.N. Otsenka odnorodnosti i sokhrannosti tsyplyat-broylerov pri ispolzovanii v ratsione enterosorbenta Zaslon 2+ [The assessment of uniformity and livability of broiler chickens at the use of Zaslon 2+ enterosorbent in the ration]. - Bulletin of Veterinary Pharmacology. - Voronezh, 2020 (3 (12)). - pp. 98-101. 5. Lebedev S.V. Dinamika khimicheskogo sostava i morfofunktsionalnogo sostoyaniya organov vosproizvodstva kur v razlichnye periody ontogeneza [Dynamics of the chemical composition and morphofunctional state of the reproductive organs of chickens in different periods of ontogenesis]. - Molodoy uchenyy. - Kazan, 2011 (1). - pp. 65. 6. Nikonov I.N. Effektivnyy zaslon mikotoksinam u selskokhozyaystvennoy ptitsy [Effective control of mycotoxins in poultry]. - 2018: 280-283. 7. Sorbent-regulyator «Zaslon 2+» s usilennymi sorbtsionnymi svoystvami protiv nepolyarnykh toksinov [Sorbent-regulator Zaslon 2+ with enhanced sorption properties against non-polar toxins]. - https:// biotrof.ru/produkciya/zaslon_2. 8-9. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Kotarev Vyacheslav I., D.Sc. in Agriculture, professor, chief scientific researcher of the All-Russian Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy; 114 b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087. Ivanova Nadezhda N., postgraduate student of the laboratory of feed quality assessment of the All-Russian Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy; 114 b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Shipilov Valery V., engineer for setting-up and testing of the laboratory of toxicology, assessing the safety risks of raw materials and products of biological origin of the AllRussian Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy; 114 b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-929-0095442; e-mail: 92valera07@gmail.com.