DOI 10/33861/2071-8020-2021-3-3-6 Barkova A.S., Shurmanova E.I., Milshteyn I.M. Summary. At present, the use of robotic voluntary milking systems for industrial milk production is gaining more and more popularity. In this regard, the correct selection of animals according to phenotypic characteristics, as well as maintaining the health of the udder, remains an urgent issue. In our country, mainly in dairy cattle breeding, Holstein large horned cattle is used, however, there is a tendency to increase interest in other breeds of cows. In this regard, it is relevant to determine the influence of the robotic milking system on the health of the udder, in particular in the Simmental cattle breed, which is quite widespread in European countries. A clinical study of the livestock was carried out using a diagnostic scale for lesions of the udder nipples, an analysis of the results of laboratory studies of milk and data from the software of a robotic milking installation was carried out. Results. Studies have shown that the average productivity of Simmental cows on the farm in Germany is 22 liters of milk per head per day, with a moderate spread of inflammatory diseases of the udder in cows, as well as a high level of udder hyperkeratosis, which amounted to 27% of all studied cows. Compared to healthy animals, cows with hyperkeratosis have a 3.6% higher milk yield, milking duration is on 3.8% longer, cows with mastitis have a 9.9% lower milk yield, milking duration is on 12.4% faster than healthy animals. The main causative agents of mastitis are Staphylococcus spp. и Streptococcus uberis, causing diseases in 37.5% and 25% of cases, respectively. The authors studied the effect of robotic system of voluntary milking use on the condition of the udder teats using the developed diagnostic scale in Simmental cows in the dairy farm in Germany. 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Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Barkova Anna S., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, professor of the department of surgery, obstetrics and microbiology of the Ural State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Liebknechta st., Yekaterinburg, 620075; phone: 8-908-9032836; e-mail: barkova.as@mail.ru.