DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2019-3-7-9 Gusev A.A., Avilov V.M., Babak V.A., Puntus I.A., Smailova A.S. Summary. Duration and intensity of developed immunity as a result of the use of the biologicals should be determined on target animals for each type of vaccine. Most of the methods used to determine immunogenic activity are associated with technical difficulties: acquisition, maintenance, immunization, infection and maintenance of infected animals during the entire period of observation, as well as creates a number of inconveniences and errors in the conduct of research. The results of alternative studies of immunogenic activity of live antirabic vaccines for oral immunization of wild carnivores are presented. The technique of immunogenicity evaluation using the model of oral immunization in mice with experimental infection with the CVS rabies control virus at a dose of 10-100 MLD50/0.03 ml is considered. Single administered immunizing dose for white mice weighing 12-14 g was 56.200 MLD50, with henna titers ranging from 1:6 to 1:16 (3.0-4.0 log2) and above. The oral immunizing dose determined by the authors for mice (56200-5620 MLD) correlates with the dose of the virus for wild carnivores (1-2 million MLD), which indicates the efficiency of the laboratory model for determining the immunogenic activity of the oral antirabic vaccine. Determination of the immunogenic activity of the antirabic vaccine on the laboratory model made it possible to choose an immunizing mouse dose of the vaccine that protects 100% of animals in experimental infection with the CVS rabies control virus. Obtained by experimental immunization of mice with henna titers from 1:8 to 1:16 (3,0-4,0 log2) and above, indicate the tense immunity against rabies. Key words: rabies, immunogenic activity, immunity tension, rabies vaccine, post-vaccination immunity, wild carnivores, oral immunization, oral immunizing dose References: 1. Borisov A.V. Prodolzhitelnost immuniteta u lis pri oralnoy immunizatsii protiv beshenstva virus-vaktsinoy «Sinrab» [Duration of immunity in foxes in oral immunization against rabies virus vaccine Sinrab]. - Pokrov, 2001. - pp. 33-34. 2. Grishok L.P., Padalka O.V., Trotsenko Z.R. [Oral immunization of wild carnivores against rabies]. - 2004. - pp. 10-12. 3. Mikhalishin V.V. et al. Ispytanie immunogennosti i bezvrednosti virus-vaktsiny protiv beshenstva oralnogo primeneniya [Test of immunogenicity and safety of virus vaccines against rabies oral use]. - Pokrov, 2001. - pp. 34-36. 4. Metody laboratornykh issledovaniy po beshenstvu [Methods of laboratory tests for rabies]. - Geneva, 1975. - 353 p. 5. Rukovodstvo MEB po diagnosticheskim testam i vaktsinam [OIE guidelines for diagnostic tests and vaccines]. - 2004. 6-7. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Avilov Vyacheslav M., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Corresponding member of the RAS; 14, Leninskiy ave., Moscow, 119991; phone: 8-901-9074326; e-mail: zolotovo-41@rambler.ru. Babak Victor A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the laboratory of biological products of the Branch of the National Center for Biotechnology in Stepnogorsk; 88/17, 4 district, Stepnogorsk, Akmolinskaya area, Republic of Kazakhstan, 021500; phone: 8-71645-31478; e-mail: vgavm2003@mail.ru. Puntus Irina A., junior scientific researcher, virologist of the Institute of experimental veterinary medicine named after S.N. Vyshelessky; 28, Briketa st., Minsk, Belarus, 220003; phone: +375-44-5454531; e-mail: bievm@tut.by. Smailova Aigerim S., junior scientific researcher, virologist of the Institute of experimental veterinary medicine named after S.N. Vyshelessky; 28, Briketa st., Minsk, Belarus, 220003; phone: +375-44-5454531; e-mail: bievm@tut.by. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Gusev Anatoly A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, corresponding member of the RAS, director for science of Pokrovsky plant of biological products; Volginsky, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region, 601125; phone: 8-960-7365858, e-mail: anatgusev@tut.by.