UDC 619:615.272:616.98:578.825.1 Sanin A.V., Narovlyansky А.N., Pronin A.V., Sanina V.Yu., Kozhevnikova T.N., Izmestieva Anna V., Izmestieva Anastasia V., Ivanova A.M., Mezentseva M.V., Zubashev I.K., Timofeeva T.Yu., Ozherelkov S.V. Summary. Significance of herpesvirus infections in infectious pathology of small animals increases. Although a fairly large number of drugs are used to control these infections, the development and implementation of effective therapeutic agents remains an urgent task. Authors studied the therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of Gamapren (GP), the active ingredient of which is phosphorylated polyprenols isolated from mulberry leaves, in various variants of experimental infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in mice. Strains VR-3 and L2 of the HSV-1 were used. Experiments were carried out on outbred white mice weighing 7-8 and 10-12 g. Commercial preparation GP was used in a dose of 20 Mg per mouse. Commercial preparation Ridostin was used as a comparison medication. The model of experimental herpetic meningoencephalitis was created in mice weighing 7-8 g following intracerebral inoculation with 0.03 ml of material containing 10 LD50 HSV-1. GP efficacy was estimated by increase in survival rate and average life expectancy of the mice in experimental group compared with control group. The model of experimental herpes infection in mice was reproduced in mice weighing 10-12 g. For infection HSV-1 strain L2 was used with the titer 7 lg LD50/0,03 ml. Authors also estimated antiviral efficacy of GP inoculated before emergence of the first clinical signs of the disease and at the stage of infection with clinically expressed signs of the disease. Antiviral efficacy of GP was revealed both in model of experimental herpetic meningoencephalitis, and in mice infected with HSV-1 before emergence of the first clinical signs of the disease and at the stage of infection with clinically expressed signs of the disease. Keywords: Gamapren, herpes simplex virus type 1, antiviral medicines, feline herpesvirus infections, feline rhinotracheitis virus. References: 1. Belousova R.V., Preobrazhenskaya E.A., Tretyakova I.V. Veterinarnaya virusologiya [Veterinary virology]. - KolosS. - Moscow, 2007. - 424 p. 2. Vasilev A.N., Ozherelkov S.V., Kozlov V.V., Pronin A.V., Sanin A.V., Parfyonova T.M., Izmesteva A.V., Amchenkova A.M., Kozhevnikova T.N., Stepanova T.N., Narovlyanskiy A.N. Protivovirusnaya i immunomoduliruyushchaya aktivnost poliprenilfosfatov pri virusnykh infektsiyakh [Antiviral and immunomodulating activity of polyprenyl phosphates in viral infections]. - 2008: 3-8. 3. Glotova T.I., Silnikov V.N., Koroleva L.S., Kungurtseva O.V., Tikhonov V.L., Glotov A.G. Protivovirusnaya aktivnost novogo khimicheskogo soedineniya [Antiviral activity of a new chemical compound]. - 2012: 22-24. 4. Izmesteva A.V., Salichev A.V., Mezentseva M.V., Berezina L.K., Olshanskaya A.A., Amchenkova A.M., Zubashev I.K., Kozlov V.S., Ozherelkov S.V., Pronin A.V., Sanin A.V., Narovlyanskiy A.N. Immunomoduliruyushchaya i protivovirusnaya aktivnost moraprenilfosfatov [Immunomodulatory and antiviral activity of moraprenyl phosphates]. - 2011: 522-523. 5. Kozhevnikova T.N., Viktorova E.G., Kozlov V.G., Narovlyanskiy A.N., Sanin A.V., Pronin A.V., Ozherelkov S.V. Moraprenilfosfaty podavlyayut razmnozhenie virusa entsefalomielita Teylera i nakoplenie virusnogo belka VP3 v chuvstvitelnykh kulturakh kletok BHK-21 i P388D1 [Moraprenyl phosphates suppress the multiplication of the virus of Tayler's encephalomyelitis and the accumulation of the virus protein VP3 in sensitive cultures of BHK-21 and P388D1 cells]. - 2007: 26-30. 6. Kozhevnikova T.N., Ozherelkov S.V., Izmest'eva A.V., Sanina V.Ju., Narovlyanskiy A.N., Pronin A.V., Sanin A.V. Vliyanie preparatov GP i fosprenil, sozdannykh na osnove poliprenolov rastitelnogo proishozhdeniya, na produktsiyu nekotorykh regulyatornykh tsitokinov v norme i pri eksperimentalnom kleshchevom entsefalite u myshey [The effect of Gamapren and Phosphprenyl preparations based on plant-derived polyprenols on the production of certain regulatory cytokines in normal and experimental tick-borne encephalitis in mice]. - 2008: 250. 7. Narovlyanskiy A.N., Deryabin P.G., Sedov A.M., Sanin A.V., Pronin A.V. 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Primenenie immunomodulyatorov pri virusnykh zabolevaniyakh melkikh domashnikh zhivotnykh [Use of immunomodulators in viral diseases of small domestic animals]. - 2005: 38-42 11. Furman I.M., Vasilev I.K., Narovlyanskiy A.N., Pronin A.V., Sanin A.V. Primenenie preparatov na osnove rastitelnykh poliprenolov pri razlichnykh formakh koshachego infektsionnogo peritonita [Use of preparations based on plant polyprenols in various forms of feline infectious peritonitis]. - 2010: 42-44. 12-15. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Sanin Aleksandr V., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-193-43-55; e-mail: saninalex@inbox.ru. Narovlyanskiy Aleksandr N., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-193-43-06; e-mail: narovl@yandex.ru. Pronin Aleksandr V., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-190-57-41; e-mail: proninalexander@yandex.ru. Sanina Valentina Yu., Ph.D. in Chemistry, Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-1905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Izmesteva Anna V., scientific researcher of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098: phone: 8-916-682-87-45; e-mail: annuhska@list.ru. Izmesteva Anastasiya V., scientific researcher of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-1905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Ivanova Alla M., Ph.D. in Biology, Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-4991905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Mezentseva Marina V., D.Sc. in Biology, Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-1905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Zubashev Igor K., Ph.D. in Biology, Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-4991905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Timofeeva Tatiana Yu., scientific researcher of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-1905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Ozherelkov Sergey V., D.Sc. in Biology, Chumakov Federal Scientific Center for Research and Development of Immune-and-Biological Products of Russian Academy of Sciences; 1/8, Institute of Poliomyelitis vllg., Moscow, 108819; phone: 8-495-8419002; e-mail: sue_polio@chumakovs.su. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kozhevnikova Tatyana N., Ph.D. in Immunology, Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8499-190-58-51; e-mail: tatiana@micro-plus.ru.