UDC 611.018.53:616.71-089.28-77-092.9 Luneva S.N., Chepeleva M.V., Sbrodova L.I., Shipitsina I.V., Kovinka M.A., Dyuryagina O.V. Summary. Development and research of the efficacy of the action of osteoplastic implantation materials, which possess bioactivity, biocompatibility and os-teoinductivity, remains one of the most urgent problems of modern veterinary medicine. Currently, such materials of biological origin as demineralized bone matrix, bioceramics, collagen matrices and hydroxyapatite, polysaccharides of natural origin are used in veterinary practice for osteosubstitution. When physiological condition of the body is evaluated after implanting materials of different origin the study of hematological indices is a topical aspect. The article presents the results of the body reaction study to the grafting of xenomaterials of different origin into the bone defect cavity in the rabbits. Cancellous bone tissue from the bull and the horse prepared by original technique was used as xenomaterial. We studied the dynamics of leukogram's indices during the process of filling in bone defects. The results of the study indicated that the most favorable changes in the leukogram's indices in the group with xenomatrix grafting of the horse bone tissue and the most marked dynamics was observed in the insertion of the grafts incubated with allogenous blood serum. It was stated that bone defect modeling with xenomaterial grafting was accompanied by compensatory changes of the hematopoietic organs that are reversible and have diagnostic value as far as it concerns the evaluation of dynamics of adaptation process and osteogenesis activity. Keywords: xenoimplantation, replacement of bone defects, hematological studies, leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, stab neutrophils, segmented neutrophils, veterinary surgery, rabbit, bull, horse. References 1. 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Ilizarov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; e-mail: luneva_s@mail.ru. Chepeleva Marina, Ph.D. in Medicine, senior researcher of the Russian Scien-tific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after G.A. Ilizarov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; e-mail:vladi2000@hotbox.ru. Sbrodova Lyudmila I., Ph.D. in Biology, scientific researcher of the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after G.A. Ilizarov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; e-mail: sbrodova-48@mail.ru. Shipitsyna Irina V., Ph.D. in Biology, scientific researcher of the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after G.A. Ilizarov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; e-mail: ivschimik@mail.ru. Dyuryagina Olga V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher of the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after G.A. Ilizarov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; e-mail: diuriagina@mail.ru Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kovinka Mik- 27 hail A., Ph.D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after G.A. Ilizarov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; e-mail: mkovinka@mail.ru.