UDC 619:636.4.082.35:611.018.(075) Kudacheva N.A, Ryazantseva A. I. Savinkov A. V. Summary. Rickets is a fairly common problem in animal husbandry. Intensification of pig production has been able to avoid this problem and to identify pigs with signs of rickets actual problem for many households. The article presents the results of the study of the liver at the histological level, due to the conjugacy of organ function with various biochemical processes that is the basis of the pathogenesis of rickets in animals, in particular pigs. Authors revealed that the clinical signs of rickets in piglets were observed much later than changes in biochemical composition of blood and had a fuzzy picture. A comparative description of the hepatic lobules, indicating the major modifications. Noted that the changes noted in all anatomical structures of the body and are accompanied by a number of features. Interlobular connective tissue is thickened and more pronounced than the reproduction of fibroblasts in the wall of the Central vein, the greater the stromal area around the hepatic lobules. Microscopically detected hemodynamic disorders with the formation of dystrophic and inflammatory foci. On the border with inflammatory foci were viewed with a dualcore and the hypertrophied hepatocytes. Thus, despite the clearly expressed beamed structure of the hepatic lobules, there are areas of parenchyma with small diapedesis hemorrhage, and infiltrative cell inclusions, reflecting the diversity of the pathological processes in the liver lobules. Thus, changes in the liver in rickets are accompanied by fibrotic changes in the portal tracts, diffuse changes of the lobules in the form of local disconnecktie beams, enlargement of the sinusoids, formation of inflammatory lesions. The absence of necrotic changes and regenerative nodules that do not violate the relationship with the Central vein in hepatic lobules, is quite favorable conditions for the eventual rehabilitation of the affected organ. Keywords: rickets, gipotrophic, liver, hepatocyte, depletion, histology, clinical picture, karyomegaly, anisokaryosis, pigs. References: 1. Derezina T.N. Rasprostraneniye i etiologiya rakhita u porosyat v svinovodcheskikh khozyaystvakh Rostovskoy oblasti [Distribution and etiology of rickets in pigs in pig farms of Rostov region]. - Veterinarnaya patologiya. - Moscow, 2003 (2). - pp. 79-82. 2. Kudacheva N.A. Vazhnost matematicheskogo podkhoda pri izuchenii patologii pecheni [Importance of mathematical approach to study of liver pathology]. - Penza, 2008. - pp. 499-501. 3. Ryazantseva A.I., Savinkov A.V. Vliyaniye kompleksnoy dobavki prirodnogo proiskhozhdeniya na faktory nespetsificheskoy rezistentnosti porosyat [Influence of complex additive of natural origin on factors of nonspecific resistance of piglets]. - Samara, 2015 (1). - pp. 70-73. 4. Suleymanov S.N., Parshin A.P., Slobodyanik V.S. Vozrastnaya morfologiya organov pishchevareniya u porosyat v norme i pri rakhite [Age morphology of digestive organs of pigs in norm and at rickets]. - Voronezh, 2016 (3 (50)). - pp. 92-98. 5. Suleymanov S.N., DeresinaT.N., Parshin P.A. Mikrostrukturnaya organizatsiya vnutrennikh organov porosyat pri rakhite: gistologicheskiy atlas [Microstructural organization of internal organs of pigs at rickets: histological atlas]. - Voronezh, 2016. - 92 p. 6. Fedyuk V.I., Ovcharov V.V. Kompleksnaya sistema diagnostiki, lecheniya i profilaktiki pri osteodistrofii u svinomatok: prakticheskiye rekomendatsii [Complex system of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of osteodystrophy in sows: practical recommendations]. - Persianovskiy, 2002. - 15 p. 7-10 Vide supra. Author affiliation: Kudacheva Natalya A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of epizootology, pathology and pharmacology of the Samara State Agricultural Academy; 2, Uchebnaya st., Kinel, Samara region, 446442; phone: 8-987-9149744; e-mail: nalmakaeva@yandex.ru. Savinkov Aleksey V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department of epizootology, pathology and pharmacology of the Samara State Agricultural Academy; 2, Uchebnaya st., Kinel, 446442; phone: 8-927-7280223; e-mail: a_v_sav@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Ryazantseva Anna I., postgraduate student of the department of anatomy, obstetrics and surgery of the Samara State Agricultural Academy; 2, Uchebnaya st., Kinel, Samara region, 446442; phone: 8-927-0013109; e-mail: annastrchkova@mail.ru.