UDC 619:579.841.11 Skorikov A.V., Yartsev S.N. Summary. Data on study of biological properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from piglets and other age and gender groups of pigs from unfavorable pig-breeding farms of the Krasnodar region, as a result of bacteriological studies of the pathological material are presented in the article. Microbial cells, when cultivated on nutrient media, form blue-green colonies (producing the pigment piotsionin), have S-form and mucous consistency. Cultivation on liquid nutrient media during 24-hours at a temperature of 37°C causes opacification of media with their color changing into blue-green hue and formation of a pellicle. The study of the enzymatic properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains showed a positive reaction to catalase, oxidase, puriase, glucose, arabinose and other sugars, as well as to nitrites, Simmons' citrate, U-glutomyltransferase and caused hemolysis, gelatin liquefaction, and did not peptonized the milk. Determination of LD50 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains: for white mice No. 34 (O1) is 1.26х108 microbial cells, No. 1 KVL (O3) - 2.0х108 microbial cells, No. 9 (O4) - 5.0х108 microbial cells, No. 6 (О6) - 5х108 microbial cells, № 10 (О11) - 1.26х108 microbial cells, No. 25 (О19) - 2,0х108 microbial cells. Strains of P. aeruginosa belong to the serogroup O1, No. 1 KVL - O3, No. 9 - O4, No. 6 - O6, No. 10 - O11, No. 25 - O19. The results of the studies on the biological properties of P. aeruginosa indicate that strains of this microorganism according to morphological, tinctorial, cultural, enzymatic, virulent and serological properties correspond to passport data, and can be deposited in the All-Russian State Collection of microorganism's strains. And it is also possible to use them as production strains for the manufacture of mono- and polyvalent vaccines against pseudomonosis of pigs. Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pigs, infection, diseases, opportunistic microorganisms, development, specific prevention, cultures, isolates, strains, biological properties, deposition, technology, manufacturing, vaccines, collection. References: 1. Gafarov Kh.Z., Ivanov A.V., Nepoklonov E.A. Mono- i smeshannyye infektsionnyye diarei novorozhdennykh telyat i porosyat [Mono- and mixed infectious diarrhea of newborn calves and piglets]. - Kazan, 2002. - 590 p. 2. Dzhupina S.I. Faktornyye infektsionnyye bolezni zhivotnykh [Factorial infectious diseases of animals]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2001 (3). - pp. 6-9. 3. Mikhaylov N.N., Zudilin V.A. K izucheniyu psevdomonoza zhivotnykh [To study of pseudomonosis in animals]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 1975 (6). - p. 88 4. Moroz A.F., Antseferova N.B., Baskakova N.B. Sinegnoynaya infektsiya [Pseudomonas aeruginosa]. - Meditsina. - Moscow, 1988. - 92 p. 5. Nikolaeva N.V. Rasprostraneniye i biologicheskiye osobennosti nozokomialnykh shtammov Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Distribution and biological features of nosocomial strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa]. - Perm, 2011. - 25 p. 6. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Yartsev Sergey N., vice-director of the Armavir Biofabrics; 11, Mechnikova st., Progress vllg., Novokubansky district, Krasnodar region, 352212; phone: 8-86195-41025; e-mail: aarm_bio@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Skorikov Aleksandr V., Ph.D.in Biology, vice-director for scientific work of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1-ya Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-861-2216084; e-mail: knivi@list.ru.