UDC 619:616: Melnik N.V., Kryukova E.N., Litenkova I.Yu., Fyodorova O.Yu., Samuylenko A.Ya., Melnik R.N., Grin S.A., Klyushintseva N.S. Summary. To formed elements of blood include erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets (thrombocytes). Erythrocytes - red blood cells, got its name from the Greek word erythros meaning red. Individually, erythrocytes are greenish-yellow color, and in a thick layer all together become red. In mammals the nuclear-free erythrocytes, and in connection with the expulsion of the nucleus at a certain stage of its development take the form of a biconcave disk, so that in a 1.64 fold increase in the surface compared to the surface of the ball, which creates favorable conditions for diffusion of gases through their shell. The surface of erythrocytes is large and is 27 to 32 m2/kg weight of the animal. In birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish erythrocytes are oval in shape and contain a nucleus. Erythrocytes of animals of other species have a thin, reticulated stroma (skeleton), cells are filled with hemoglobin. Protein-lipid sheath of red blood cells has a selective ability to penetrate different substances, allowing the red blood cells retain their constant chemical composition. Shell readily allows the movement of gases, water, anions of chlorine, carbonic acid, glucose, urea, but in it are not proteins, hemoglobin, and cations, and sodium and potassium ions penetrate very slowly. Erythrocytes are very flexible, can change shape and penetrate into the capillaries, whose diameter is smaller than the diameter of red blood cells. Red blood cells perform the following functions: transport of oxygen from lungs to tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs; transport the organism adsorbed on their surface amino acids, lipids; due to the presence of hemoglobin in the maintenance of a constant reaction of the blood; adsorbs poisons, toxins, and carry them into the system of mononuclear phagocytes, where they neutralize. For normal functioning it is necessary that the motion in the vessels, they were not bonded and not glued. Erythrocytes are formed in red bone marrow. Their life expectancy - in cattle - 120160, sheep, 130 horses and 100 pigs and rabbits - 45-60 days. Keywords: blood cells, red blood cells, animals, diagnostic tests, sensitized erythrocytes, erythrocytic diagnosticums, solution, formalin, tannin. References: 1. Yegorov N.Ye. Biotekhnologiya [Biotechnology]. - Moscow, 1987. 2. Borisov L.B. Meditsinskaya mikrobiologiya, virusologiya i immunologiya [Medical microbiology, virology and immunology]. - MIA, 2005. - pp. 154-156. 3. Lvov D.K. Meditsinskaya virusologiya [Medical virology]. - Moscow, 2008. - pp. 24-38. 4. Vorob'yev A.A. Meditsinskaya i sanitarnaya mikrobiologiya [Medical and sanitary microbiology]. - Moscow, 2003. - p. 543. 5. Tutov I.K., Sitkov V.I. Osnovy biotekhnologii veterinarnykh preparatov [Fundamentals of bio-technology of veterinary drugs]. - Stavropol, 1997. - pp. 159179. Author affiliation: Melnik Nikolay V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, president of the National Association of veterinary-biological industry (Vetbioprom); 11/1, Sadovo-Spasskaya st., Moscow, 107139; phone: 8-499-9754966; e-mail: a-vbp@mail.ru. Kryukova Elena N., Ph.D. in Biology, Deputy Director for Development and Marketing of Shchelkovo Biokombinat; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-495-1345885; e-mail: comerc@biocombinat.ru. Litenkova Irina Yu., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, chief technologist of the scientific-research work of the Shchelkovo Biokombinat; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-495-1345885; e-mail: litenkova2012@mail.ru. Fyodorova Olga Yu., senior microbiologist of the Shchelkovo Biokombinat; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-495-1345885; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Samuylenko Anatoliy Ya., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Academician of the RAS, director of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-496-5673263; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Grin Svetlana A., Corresponding Member of the RAS, D.Sc. in Biology, professor, Deputy Director for Technology and Nanotechnology of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-496-5673263; e-mail: vni-tibp@mail.ru. Klyushintseva Natalya S., applicant of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological insti-tute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-496-5673263; e-mail: vni-tibp@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Melnik Roman N., Ph.D. in Biology Veteriary Medicine, head of the department of the AllRussian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-496-5673263; e-mail: mromanos@mail.ru.