UDC 636.2.064+636.2.034+636.2.082.13 Melnik N.V., Borovoy V.N., Kryukova E.N., Samuylenko A.Ya., Melnik R.N., Grin S.A., Vinnikov M.G., Fyodorova N.V. Summary. Issues on etiology, prevention, treatment and elimination of necrobacteriosis of large horned cattle are considered in the article. In recent years, due to the changing technology of animal husbandry, widespread diseases 11 of the distal section of the extremities of cattle, especially dairy cows and breeding bulls have become widespread. All kinds of farm animals are susceptible to necrobacteriosis. Necrobacteriosis as an infectious disease of the limbs poses a great threat to the economic efficiency of dairy farms in Russia. Predisposing factors are the violation of animal content, reduced resistance of the animal's organism, trauma of the skin in the lower phalanges of the extremities. Authors consider inactivated emulsion vaccine against the necrobacteriosis of animals produced by the Shchelkovsky Biocombinate to be an effective method of prevention and treatment of necrobacteriosis of animals. The vaccine not only effectively protects against the disease of immunized animals, but also has medicinal properties. Use of the vaccine forms a high level of immunity. Preventative measures using the vaccine against necrobacteriosis become especially important when importing livestock of large horned cattle for adaptation to new conditions. The vaccine is administered to the animals intradermally with the help of a needleless injector B-7M. The needleless method of administration significantly increases labor productivity and reduces the costs of treatment and prevention activities. One specialist can vaccinate 200-250 animals in 2 hours. High immunogenic properties of the vaccine can significantly reduce the incidence of necrobacteriosis, and in the case of universal immunization, it is almost completely eliminated. Saving the material, technical, financial, labor resources, reducing the time of veterinary and preventive works confirm the high economic efficiency of the vaccine use. Keywords: highly productive dairy cattle, breeding cattle, intensive livestock, imported livestock, factor infections, necrobacteriosis, anaerobic toxin, immunity, vaccine, hoof treatment. References: 1. Antipov V.A., Semenenko M.P., Basova N.Yu., Turchenko A.N., Sapunov A.Ya., Kuzminova E.V., Vysokoopasnyy A.N., Shevkoplyas V.N., Fontanetskiy A.S. Povyshenie sokhrannosti i produktivnogo zdorovya importnogo molochnogo skota [Improving the safety and productive health of imported dairy cattle]. - Krasnodar, 2009. - 63 p. 2. Antipov V.A., Sapunov A.Ya.,Turchenko A.N., Basova N.Yu. 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Borovoy Vladimir N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, vice-director of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; 11/1, Sadovo-Spasskaya st., Moscow, 107139; phone: 8-495-5745800; e-mail: borovoi-vn@mail.ru. Kryukova Elena N., Ph.D. in Biology, Deputy Director for Development and Marketing of Shchelkovo Biokombinat; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-495-1345885; e-mail: comerc@biocombinat.ru. Samuylenko Anatoliy Ya., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Academician of the RAS, director of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-4965673263; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Grin Svetlana A., Corresponding Member of the RAS, D.Sc. in Biology, professor, Deputy Direc-tor for Technology and Nanotechnology of the AllRussian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-496-5673263; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Vinnikov Mikhail G., applicant of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-916-0287913; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Fyodorova Natalya V., applicant of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-916-0287913; e-mail: vnitibp@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Melnik Roman N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-496-5673263; e-mail: mromanos@mail.ru.