UDC 619:597:616.34-078 Marchenko E.V. Summary. Currently, there is a tendency to increase in dog populations, respectively, and the veterinary services rise more sharply. Results of a study of the role of bacterial microfl ora in the etiology of dysbacteriosis of dogs with parvovirus enteritis of various degree of severity of the disease are described in the article. Common methods of bacteriological analysis of clinical material, using artificial differential diagnostic culture media: Endo and MPA, salt MPA, ZhSA, Kligler, Siemens were applied. Species and typical affiliation of selected pure cultures were identified due to the study of morphological, cultural and biochemical properties. 228 cultures of 14 species of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria were isolated out of internal organs of 36 animals. Development of dysbacteriosis of the intestine, which manifests as the reduction in the concentration of lacto- and bifidobacteria and increased E. coli, staphylo-, streptococci, bacilli, entero- and Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas and fungi of the genus Candida was established during the study of changes in the number of microorganisms in the feces of dogs with parvovirus enteritis complicated by associations of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in different degrees of severity. Significant correlation between the concentration of conditionally pathogenic bacteria and the severity of the disease was found in the analysis of the Kruskal-Wallis criterion test. Keywords: microorganisms, bacteria, parvovirus, opportunistic, dog, concentration, severity, gastrointestinal tract, Kruskal-Wallis test criterion, nutrient medium, dysbacteriose, correlation. References: 1. Apatenko V.M. Problema parazitotsenozov i zadachi parazitotsenologii [Parasitocenose problem and objectives of parasitotocenology]. – Kharkiv. – Lugansk, 1997. – pp. 4-10. 2. Воєцька О. Є. Удосконалення технології виробництва комбікормів для собак: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук.ступеня канд. тех. наук: спец. 05.18.02 "Технологіязернових, бобових, круп’янихпродуктів та комбікормів" / О. Є. Воєць-ка. – Одеса, 2007. – 15 с. (in Ukr.). 3. Rudenko P.A., Dotsenko V.A., Rudenko A.F. Evolyutsionno-ekologicheskie aspekty zabolevaniy zhivotnykh, vyzvannykh uslovno-patogennoy mikrofloroy [Evolutionary ecological aspects of animal diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora]. – Veterinarnye nauki. – Lugansk, 2001. – pp. 69-71. 4. Opredelitel bakteriy Berdzhi [Burgi bacteria determinant]. – Mir. – Moscow, 1997. – 800 p. 5. Khan E.R. Mikrobiotsenoz i imunitet pri postnatalnykh infektsiyakh novorozhdennykh [Microbiocenosis and immunity at postnatal infections in newborns].– Moscow, 1996. – p. 43. Author affiliation: Marchenko Ella V., assistant of the department of infectious diseases, pathanatomy and forensic veterinary medicine of the Lugansk National Agrarian University; LNAU, Lugansk, Ukraine, 91008; phone: 095-801-19-91; e-mail: ella-marc@mail.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.