UDC 619:614.31 Dresvyannikova S.G., Kisly A.A., Zueva I.I., Shantyz A.Kh. Summary. The article presents data on the work in the system of electronic veterinary certification in city-resort of Sochi, according to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia from 17.07.2014 № 281 "About the approval of the Rules of organization of work on registration of veterinary accompanying documents and Order of registration of veterinary accompanying documents in electronic form". In the period from September 2015 to April 2016 veterinary specialists of SBI "Veterinary Department of the city of Sochi" issued more than 140 000 electronic documents. During this period the work in the system has simplified the registration of veterinary accompanying documents and allowed to save money (over 1 million) involved in the turnover of forms of accompanying veterinary documents. During the work in the State information system "Mercury" were highlighted the following points: the inability to sign a document with an electronic signature, which contradicts to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation № 281 from 17.07.2014; the need of the introduction of Universal gateway Vetis.API; unstable work of the program, which leads to the creation of the objects-duplicates; the need to develop a system of "Search" which will allow to determine the presence/absence of the object or entities in the records; the requirement to keep to common rules of entry of information about regulated facility; insufficient reporting section. The result of work on the electronic registration of the veterinary accompanying documents should be a transparent system: the manufacturer – distribution center – wholesale warehouse and retail store, which will not allow to get on the shelves the substandard or counterfeit products. That is the aim of the specialists of the Veterinary Department of the city of Sochi, who actively introduce an electronic document management. Keywords: veterinary legislation, veterinary-sanitary examination, veterinary electronic certification, controlled products, SIS "Mercury", gateway, veterinary accompanying documents. References: 1. Prikaz Ministerstva selskogo hozyaystva RF ot 17.08.2014 № 281 "Ob utverzhdenii Pravil organizatsii raboty po oformleniyu veterinarnykh soprovoditelnykh dokumentov i Poryadka oformleniya veterinarnykh soprovoditelnykh dokumentov v elektronnom vide" [Order of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 17.08.2014 No. 281 "About approval of Rules of organization of work on registration of veterinary accompanying documents and Order of registration of veterinary accompanying documents in electronic form"]. – 2014. 2. Zakon RF ot 14 maya 1993 g. № 4979-1 "O veterinarii" – redaktsiya, deystvuyushchaya s 24 iyulya 2015 goda [Law of the Russian Federation from May 14, 1993 № 4979-1 "About veterinary medicine" – version from 24 July 2015]. Author affiliation: Dresvyannikova Svetlana G., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Krasnodar regional station of fighting against animal diseases; 15/1, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-861-2216360; e-mail: kraivet.dsg@mail.ru. Kisly Aleksandr A., Head of the Veterinary Department of Sochi;78, Plastunskaya st., Sochi, 354003; phone: 8-8622-982642; e-mail: gukkvu44@kubanvet.ru. Shantyz Azamat Kh., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, veterinary-sanitary examination laboratory manager of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research veterinary Institute; 1, 1 Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-861-221-60-84; e-mail: krasnodarnivi@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Zueva Ida I., Head of the department of veterinary-sanitary examination the Veterinary Department of Sochi; 78, Plastunskaya st., Sochi, 354003; phone: 8-8622-982601; e-mail: gukkvu44@kubanvet.ru.