UDC 636:612.015.32:619:615 Sanin A.V., Pronin A.V., Narovlyansky A.N., Kozhevnikova T.N., Sosnovskaya O.Yu., Belyaeva M.V., Annikov V.V. Summary. Pancreatitis is considered to be one of the most serious complications of hyperlipidemia. Prebiotics, phospholipids and anti-inflammatory agents are used for correction of animals in addition to diet therapy, but their effect is typically short. Authors studied efficacy of a complex new preparation based on the polyprenyl solution (DPU) and beta-sitosterol derived from green fir. Study included 40 dogs of different age and gender groups, divided into 2 groups. Dogs of the test group were given a comprehensive preparation orally at a dose of 3-6 mg/kg body weight two times a day for 2 months. Dogs in control group were given atorvastatin inside, 0.4 mg/kg body weight. When determining nosological profile of dogs diseases involving lipid metabolism disorders, it has been found that the dermal and gastrointestinal tract in dogs present in 15.5% of cases (50 out of 620 animals came to primary reception), of which 80% (40 goals) observed dyslipidemia. Among these animals 27 dogs were castrated. High proportion of dyslipidemia in these dogs is likely associated with impaired lipid metabolism, resulting out of the decrease in the level of sexual hormones. After 2 months of therapy in the test group showed a good appetite, halitosis disappeared. Shift to the right neutrophil nuclei indirectly indicates decrease in resistance caused by the obviously violation of the barrier function of the liver because of its hyperlipidemia (steatosis). On the 30th and 60th day of treatment, all hematological parameters were within the reference values. Considering natural origin and proved in the preclinical studies of toxicity and lack of side effects, Vitapren can be considered as a promising means of pharmacocorrection in small domestic animals. We the new complex remedy Vitapren on the basis of polyprenyl phosphatis and beta-sitosterol in 40 dogs with hyperlipidemia. Before treatment all patients had hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and increased blood levels of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, γ – glutamyltranspeptidase and C-reactive protein. After 60 days treatment with Vitapren all these indicators returned to normal level, or significantly decreased. Natural origin and lack of toxicity and side effects, were given in the artikle. Vitapren can be considered as a promising remedy for treatment of metabolic syndrome. Keywords: lipid metabolism, dyslipidemia, hyperlipidemia, cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, obesity, pharmaco correction polyprenyl, beta-sitosterol, pancreatitis, hepatic steatosis. References: 1. 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Author affiliation: Sanin Aleksandr V., professor, head of the laboratory of cellular immunity of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8 (499) 1905851; e-mail info@riem.ru. Pronin Aleksandr V., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, head of the laboratory of natural immunity of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8 (499) 1905851; email: info@riem.ru. Narovlyansky Alesandr N., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, head of the laboratory of cytokines of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8 (499) 1905851; e-mail info@riem.ru. Sosnovskaya Olga Yu., Ph.D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8 (499) 1905851; e-mail info@riem.ru. Annikov Vyacheslav V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of animal diseases and veterinary-sanitary sanitary examination of the Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University; 1, Teatralnaya sq., Saratov, 410012; phone: (8452) 233292; e-mail: rector@sgau.ru. Belyaeva Maria V., post-graduate student of the department of animal diseases and veterinary-sanitary sanitary examination of the Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University; 1, Teatralnaya sq., Saratov, 410012; phone: (8452) 233292; e-mail: rector@sgau.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kozhevnikova Tatyana N., Ph.D. in Medicine, scientific researcher of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8 (985) 145-63-88; e-mail: tatiana@micro-plus.ru.