UDC 636.4-619:614.48 REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW DISINFECTANTS IN PIG BREEDING Grechukhin A.N. Summary. Due to the risks of skidding of infectious diseases, especially of respiratory etiology, in the system of anti-epizootic measures the role of veterinary-sanitary measures, in which the key plays disinfection, increased. Main selection criteria of proposed preparations for veterinary and sanitary safety on farms are reflected in the article. Authors proved the practical value of a number of components and active ingredients in preparations. Benefits of the use of disinfectants with prolonged and enhanced properties of penetrating ability are described on an example of the preparation Kemicyd. Kemicyd showed pronounced virucidal efficacy against African swine fever pathogen. Studies showed that preparation in concentration of working solutions from 0.5% to 2% and with exposure of 3 hours to 0.5 hours, respectively, after a single irrigation totally inactivated African swine fever virus. Data on preparation testing in manufacturing conditions in order to identify the effect of prolonged exposure to the treated surfaces of different materials are presented. Reversible effect of film formation is explained: on the one hand, microfilm inhibits influence of external factors on the efficiency of other components of the preparation, on the other hand makes the other components of the preparation stable and effective over a longer period. Keywords: pig breeding, livestock, virus, African swine fever, causative agent, disinfectant, anti-epizootic measures, veterinary and sanitary safety, biosecurity. References 1. Kudryashev A.A., Kalishin N.M., Kuzmin V.A. Algoritm deystviya gosudarstvennoy veterinarnoy sluzhby subyekta Rossiyskoy Federatsii pri ugroze vozniknoveniya afrikanskoy chumy sviney [Algorithm steps of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation at the threat of African swine fever]. – Saint- Petersburg, 2013. 2. Bakulov I.A., Vologina I.V. Epizooticheskaya situatsiya po osobo opasnym boleznyam zhivotnykh v 2007-2008 [Epizootic situation on a particularly dangerous animal diseases in 2007-2008]. – Pokrov, 2008. 3. Polyakov A.A. Rukovodstvo po veterinarnoy sanitarii [Veterinary Sanitation Guide]. – Agropromizdat. – Moscow, 1986. Author affiliation: Grechukhin Aleksander N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Аdvisory council member of the National Union of breeders, general director of Biogrin LLC; 1Е, 21, Korablestroiteley st., St. Petersburg, 199226; (812) 994-16-83; e-mail: biogrin@yandex.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.