UDС 619:618.2:636 087.8 EFFICACY OF BIOLOGICAL ACTIVE FEED ADDITIVE IN THE RATION OF YOUNG MINKS Papunidi K.Kh., Kadikov I.R., Sitdikov F.F., Gaizatyllin R.R., Simonova N.N. Summary. Fur animal breeding industry, satisfying the need of the population in natural fur, is currently experiencing not the best period in its development. Violation of economic connections of fur farms and processing enterprises caused transition to feed with low biological value. In connection with this study and the use of biologically active substances become a particular importance. Significant increase in the reproductive ability of fur animals, safety of young animals, increasing the size and improving the quality of pelts of fur can be achieved by inclusion in the diet preparations and biologically active substances of synthetic and natural origin. Authors studied the comparative efficacy of biologically active feed additives (succinic acid, Agidol, glycine, glucose, potassium acid, calcium acid, Vita Force) on growth, development and safety of the young minks. Experiments were carried out on young fur minks within 150 days. Animals were divided into 5 groups of 10 animals each. Feeding of animals with studied feed additives did not affect negatively the general condition and did not cause any clinical signs. Authors proved that Vita Force showed the most effective stimulating effect which was characterized by the correction of homeostasis and body weight gain of experimental minks relative to intact animals. Key words: feed additives, minks, stimulation of growth, naturalresistance, protein fraction, young fur mink, correction of homeostasis, intact animals,succinic acid, аgidol. References: 1. Berezina O.V. Sravnitelnya effektivnost preparatov pri zhelezodefetsitnoy anemii norok [Comparative efficiency of preparations iron deficiency anemia in mink]. –Kazan, 2000. – p. 149. 2. Ivanov A.V. Vliyanie preparata "Yantaros plus" na obmennye protsessy i prodyktivnost zhivotnykh [Influence of Yantaros plus on the metabolism and productivity of animals]. – Moscow, 1990. – pp. 61-62. 3. KostS.A. Stenko M.I. Opredelenie fagotsitarnoy aktivnosti leykotsitov [Determination of phagocytic activity of leukocytes]. – Klinicheckaya gematologiya zhivotnykh. – Moscow, 1974. – pp. 99-100. 4. Nabiev F.G., Akhmadeev R.N. Lekarstvennye preparaty dlya veterinarii [Medical preparations for veterinary medicine]. – Kazan, 2000. – pp. 48-52. 5. Papunidi K.H., Chygynov K.V., Dokychaeva I.S. Toksikologicheskaya otsenka yantarnoy kisloty [Toxicological evaluation of succinic acid]. – Kazan, 1997.–p. 111. 6. Shabunin S.V., Ivanov A.V., Papunidi K.Kh., Tremasov A.V., Ivanov A.A. Primenenie yantarnoy kisloty i preparata "Yantaros plus" v zhivotnovodstve [Use of succinic acid and Yantaros plus in cattle breeding]. – Moscow, 2013. – p. 37. Author affiliation: Kadikov Ilnur R., Ph.D. in Biology, senior researcher of heavy metals and synthetic poisons laboratory of the Federal Center of Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; 2, Scientific town, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420075; e-mail: vnivi@mail.ru. Sitdikov Farid F., graduate of the Federal Center of Toxicological, Radiationand Biological Safety; 2, Scientific town, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420075; e-mail: vnivi@mail.ru. Gayzatullin Rinat R., D.Sc. in Biology, Federal Center of Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; 2, Scientific town, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420075; e-mail: vnivi@mail.ru. Simonov Nadezhda N., Ph.D. in Chemistry, Kazan National Research Technological University; 10, Akademika Popova st., Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan; e-mail: nadsim79@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editors: Papunidi Konstantin Kh., Ds.C. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Deputy Director, Head of the Laboratory of heavy metals and synthetic poisons of the Federal Center of Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; 2, Scientific town, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420075; e-mail: vnivi@mail.ru.