UDC 619:616.98:578:636.22/.28 ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF DISPOSAL OF LARGE HORNED CATTLE OF MEAT BREEDS Mishchenko V.A., Mishchenko A.V., Dumova V.V., Chernykh O.Yu. Summary. Significant amount of farms specializing in breeding of large horned cattle of the meat breeds is created to ensure the production of beef. A large number of breeding heifers, bulls-producers and heifers of meat breeds (Hereford, Aberdeen Angus, Charolais, Limousin) are imported abroad in Russia to create breeding herds. An important advantage of beef cattle is its ability to use cheap vegetable food. Green grass is the main food in summer, and in winter – straw, hay, haylage, silage make up the ration. However, natural plant fodders contain small levels of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, cobalt, iodine, zinc, copper and selenium, particularly in the geochemical zones. Beef cattle grazing at these pastures leads to profound metabolic disorders – polygypomicroelementoses and deficiency diseases. Typically, these pathological changes are caused by feed quality that are not registered in animals of autochthonous breeds. Results of biochemical studies of blood serum of large horned cattle of meat breeds are presented in the article. Data indicate significant metabolic disorders, which led to lower natural resistance, various diseases and factorial immunodeficiency states. Increased activity of enzymes indicate liver, kidney and pancreas diseases. Data analysis showed that the main causes of cows’ and heifers’ disposal are injuries, obstetrical complications, respiratory diseases, myocardial, liver and kidney pathology. Determining the causes of mass disease of imported cattle of meat breeds it was found that evidence of infection of microorganisms (viruses, bacteria) from indigenous cattle with direct or indirect contacts on pastures. Cases of infection of cattle of meat breeds of pathogens viral diarrhea, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, coronavirus, brucellosis were confirmed by laboratory results. Presented data suggest the need to consider the epizootic situation in the territory of the future placement of imported cattle of meat breeds for these activities not only in farms specializing in meat cattle, but also in the whole area. Keywords: large horned cattle of meat breeds, viral infection, metabolism, safety, rotavirus and coronavirus diarrhea, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea, infectious keratoconjunctivitis, transplacental infection. References: 1. Mishchenko V.A., Mishchenko A.V., Dumova V.V. Analiz narusheniy obmena veshchestv u vysokomolochnykh korov [Analysis of metabolic disorders in high dairy cows]. – Veterinariya Kubani. – Krasnodar, 2012 (6). – pp.15-17. 2. Mishchenko V.A., Dumova V.V., Mishchenko A.V. 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The epidemiology of bovine respiratory disease: What is the evidence for predisposing factors?// Can. Vet. J., 2010, 51 (10), 1095-1102. Author affiliation: Mishchenko Aleksey V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior researcher of the laboratory of diagnostics of farm animals’ diseases of the Federal State Establishment "Federal Centre of Animal Health" (FSE "All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Health"); mcrd.Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone:(4922) 26-17-65; e-mail: mishenko@arriah.ru. Mishchenko Vladimir A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, chief expert for bovine diseases of Federal State Establishment "Federal Centre of AnimalHealth" (FSE "All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Health"); mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: (4922) 26-17-65 20-83; e-mail: mishenko@arriah.ru. Dumova Viktoriya V., Ph.D. in Biology; senior scientific researcher of the laboratory for bovine diseases of the Federal State Establishment "Federal Centre of Animal Health" (FSE "All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Health"); mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: (4922) 26-17-65 20-85; e-mail: dumova@arriah.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chernykh Oleg Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Kropotkin territorial veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, 352380; phone:8(86138) 6-23-14; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru.