UDC 636.2.087.8 INFLUENCE OF GUVITANE-C ON IMMUNE STATUS OF BOARS Donnik I.M., Shkuratova I.A., Topuria G.M., Topuria L.Y., Bibikova D.R. Summary. Use of humic preparations of natural origin was offered in recent years for the correction of immunologic processes in organism of the agricultural animals and poultry. Authors studied the influence of bioactive veterinary preparation of the natural origin containing sodium salt of humic acids, guatemalense and fulvic acids, amino acids (8 – interchangeable, 8 – essential), peptides, polysaccharides, micro-, macroelements (in particular, calcium, phosphorus), enzymes – Guvitane-C – on the immune status of boars. Four groups of boars were for med for experiments. Control animals were kept on the general ration. Boars of the first experimental group in addition to basic diet were fed with Guvitane-C in the dose of 0.3 ml/kg for 7 days. Animals of the second, third and fourth experimental groups were fed with the preparation in doses of 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 ml/kg, respectively. Blood samples for the laboratory tests were taken at the beginning of the experiment and after 7 days. Results of the studies of blood samples of boars of the second, third and fourth experimental groups showed a significant increase of serum bactericidal activity at comparison to control group after 7 days after the start of feeding of Guvitane-C. Preparation had no significant effect on β-lytic activity of the blood serum of experimental animals, but had a positive influence on the amount of immune cells in the blood of animals. Thus, test groups had higher content of T-lymphocytes after 7 days from the start of Guvitane-C use. Authors proved that Guvitane-C has a strong stimulating effect on the immune status of boars. Key words: immunity, correction, Guvitane-C, boars, natural resistence, adaptation, blood serum, bactericidal activity, dose. 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Bibikova Diana R., post-graduate student of the department of technology of processing and certification of animal products of the Orenburg State Agrarian University; 18, Cheluskintsev st., Orenburg, 460014; phone: 8(353)277-59-39; e-mail: golaso@rambler.ru. Responsible for the correspondence with the editorial board: Topuriya Gocha M., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, head of the department of technology of processing and certification of animal products of the Orenburg State Agrarian University; 18, Cheluskintsev st., Orenburg, 460014; phone: 8(353)277-59-39; e-mail: golaso@rambler.ru.