UDС 619:616.636.2 CAUSES OF DISEASES OF COWS IN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY CONTENT Barashkin M.I., Petrova O.G. Summary. Data on the analysis of the results of observations in farms of Ural region are presented in the article. Milk yield of cows significantly increased over the past 7 years in the farms of the Sverdlovsk region in industrial technology, content. This is due to the increase in the proportion of the diet of feed. Many farms specialists recorded deterioration of animal health: reducing rumen pH, of acid base balance of blood, metabolism, reproductive function. All this leads to shorter lactation, early retirement from a herd of cows. Studies conducted by regional, zonal district, laboratories of Sverdlovsk region, pointed out that the retired high producing cows most often recorded by the affected limb (22.3-25.6%), metabolic disorders (24-24.9%), diseases of the reproduction (9.7-14.5%), digestive (15-16.5%), mastitis (9.5%), infectious pathology (19.5%). To increase the efficiency of milk production at industrial technologies knowledge of the content of rumen digestion, which will generate an overall plan for the production of fodder on the farm with the main characteristics - nutrient status, exchange of energy, moisture, acidity is needed. Key words: Sverdlovsk region, cattle, dairy farming, rumen acidosis, laminitis, lameness, mastitis, infectious diseases, blood serum, metabolism. References: 1. Donnik I.M., Shkuratova I.A. Osobennosti adaptatsii krupnogo rogatogo skota k neblagopriyatnym ekologicheskim faktoram okruzhayushchey sredy [Adaptation peculiarities of cattle to the adverse ecological factors of environment]. - Veterinariya Kubani. – Krasnodar, 2009 (5). - pp. 16-17. 2. Laptev G. Laktatny atsidoz [Lactate acidosis]. – Zhivotnovodstvo Rossii. – Moscow, 2007. – P. 21-24. 3. Lapotko A.M. Konkretnaya problema molochnoy otrasli [Specific problem dairy industry]. – Minsk, 2011. – p. 17. 4. Mymrin V.S. Vliyanie sredovykh i geneticheskikh faktorov na produktivnoe dolgoletie korov [Influence of environmental and genetic factors for productive longevity cows]. – Yekaterinburg, 2008. – P. 338-342. 5. Ovchinnikova L.Yu. Vliyanie intensivnosti razdoya na produktivnoe dolgoletie [Influence of the intensity on milking productive longevity cows]. – Uralskoe izdatelstvo. – Yekaterinburg, 2008 (2). – pp. 376-379. 6. Samokhin V.T. Profilaktika narusheniy obmena mikroelementov u zhivotnykh [Violation prevention of microelements in animals]. – Voronezh, 2003. – p. 136. 7. Shkuratova I.A., Vereshchak N.A. Korrektsiya immunnogo statusa vysokoproduktivnykh korov [Correction of the immune status of highly productive cows]. – Veterinariya. – Moscow, 2008 (2). – pp. 11-12. 8. Yakovchik N.S. Kormlenie i soderzhanie vysokoproduktivnykh korov [Feeding and content of highly productive cows]. – 2005. Author affiliation: Barashkin Mikhail I., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, Ural State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekhta st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620075; ph.: 8(343)221-40-24; e-mail: decanat.@usaca.ru. Responsible for the correspondence with the editorial board: Petrova Olga G., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Ural State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekhta st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620075; phone: 8(343)257-47-42, 8(965)5175202; e-mail: super.kafedra2013@yandex.