UDС 619:616.36 NEW APPROACHES FOR LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS OF LIVER DISEASES IN HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE CATTLE Semenenko M.P., Kuzminova E.V., Fomin O.A. Summary. Development of parameters of in vivo diagnosis of liver diseases of large horned cattle based on the changes of blood biochemical profile of animals is described in the article. Researches were carried out on pregnant heifers and dry cows at 7-9th month of pregnancy, as well as lactating cows in different phases of the lactation period in autumn, winter and spring, i.e. periods of greatest stress of homeostatic systems of the organism. Authors identified animals with signs of metabolic disorders and liver disease characterized by loss of appetite, proventriculus hypotension, increased liver percussion border, some pain on palpation, obesity (in some cases, loss of weight), symptoms of bone demineralization, accompanied by a softening of caudal vertebrae and the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. Obtained data of biochemical blood tests based on hepatological profile includes detection of 15 biochemical parameters: total protein, protein fractions, urea, glucose, enzymes - ALT, AsAt, GGT, ALP, hollesterina, triglycerides, total bilirubin, thymol, revealed significant changes in a number indices. Thus, 70% of cows and virtually all heifers indices of protein metabolism were impaired, characterized by decrease or increase in the level of total protein. Detected deviations in the protein spectrum of blood serum are characteristic of functional liver pathology. Tracking the dynamics of biochemical profiles can more fully judge the character of the processes occurring in the liver during acute and chronic disorders of its functions without regard to possible clinical picture of a pathological condition, which, in turn, will allow for timely diagnosis of functional disorders of the liver in cattle for early detection of hepatopathy, control of efficiency of therapeutic measures and outcome prediction of most diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Key words: liver, liver disease, hepatopathy, large horned cattle, milk productivity, laboratory diagnostics, hepatocytes, blood serum, biochemical blood indices, enzymes. References: 1. Antipov V.A., Semenenko M.P., Basova N.Yu., Turchenko A.N. Povyshenie sokhrannosti i produktivnogo zdorovya importnogo molochnogo skota. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii [Safety and productivity improving of imported dairy cattle. Methodical recommendations]. – Krasnodar, 2009. – 62 p. 2. Baymatov V.N. Etiologiya i patogenez zabolevaniy pecheni [Liver diseases’ etiology and pathogenesis]. – Uralskie Nivy. – Yekaterinburg, 1986 (9). – p. 50. 3. Kondrakhin I.P. Bolezni pecheni i zhelchnykh pytey [Liver and biliary tract diseases] – Agropromizdat. – Moscow, 1991. – pp. 252-274. 4. Kuzminova E.V., Semenenko M.P., Starikova E.A., Mikhaleva T.V. Diagnosticheskoe znachenie biokhemicheskikh pokazateley pri gepatopatologiyakh [Diagnostic value of biochemical indices of blood at hepatopatology]. – Veterinariya Kubani. – Krasnodar, 2013 (5). – pp. 11-13. 5. Kuzminova E.V., Semenenko M.P., Shakh-Melikyan T.A. Sovremennye podkhody k lecheniyu gepatopatiy krupnogo rogatogo skota [Modern approaches for the treatment of hepatopathy of cattle]. – Vestnik veterinarii. – Stavropol, 2011 (4). – pp. 135-137. 6. Kursa J., Klein Z., Kucerova J. Hepatopatie u dojnic – aktualni problem velko-chovu. Veterinarstvi, 1988; Т. 38. N 4. - s. 153-155. Author affiliation: Kuzminova Elena V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, leading scientific researcher of the Krasnodar Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1-ya Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8 (861) 2216220; e-mail: niva1430@mail.ru. Fomin Oleg A., post-graduate student of the pharmacology laboratory of Krasnodar Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1-ya Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8 (861) 221-62-20. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Semenenko Marina P., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the Laboratory of Pharmacology of Krasnodar Research Veterinary Institute of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; address: 1, 1-ya Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8 (861) 221-62-20, e-mail: sever291@mail.ru.