UDC 619:616.988.5.636.2 PREVENTION OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASES IN CATTLE IN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Petrova O.G., Barashkin M.I. Summary. Authors conducted virological, bacteriological, serological tests of large horned cattle with the diseases of upper respiratory tract and lungs of infectious etiology and identified etiological structure of infectious diseases, morbidity and equity distribution of these indices of the most frequently reported diseases. 9507 cases of respiratory diseases were diagnosed with infectious pathology during the period from 2006 to 2013: pasteurellosis – 223 cases (12%), staphylococcosis – 21 (1.2%), streptococcosis – 17 (1%), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis – 46 (2.6%), parainfluenza type 3 – 84 (4,8%), viral diarrhea-mucosal disease – 60 (3.4%), rotavirus infection – 41 (2.3%), diseases of gastrointestinal etiology (53%) and non-contagious diseases (19,7%). Analysis of the data indicates stable tendency of morbidity reduce and animal deaths from acute respiratory infections, on average, 3 times depending on technology of content. Studies showed that there is a tendency to reduce the number of positive samples to the agents of acute respiratory infections in loose housing of animals after their vaccination against acute respiratory diseases of large horned cattle. Authors found that loose housing helps to create optimal conditions for the formation of mechanisms of adaptation and natural resistance to respiratory diseases of infectious etiology. Resistance to these diseases of animals on 9-11% higher than in animals with tethering content. Loose housing of large horned cattle in combination with vaccine prophylaxis against acute respiratory diseases can limit the spread of respiratory diseases of infectious etiology, and reduce the economic losses of agricultural enterprises. Key words: large horned cattle, respiratory diseases, infectious rhinotracheitis, virus diarrhea – mucous membranes’ disease, parainfluenza type 3, pasteurellosis, chlamydia, profilactics, industrial technology content. References: 1. Bakulov I.A. Metodika epizootologicheskogo issledovaniya [Metodics of epizootological researches]. – Moscow, 1975. – p. 21. 2. Bakulov I.A. Proyavlenie epizooticheskogo protsessa i otsenka ego intensivnosti [Epizootic process display and its intensity]. – Moscow, 1979. – p. 12. 3. Dzhupina S.I. Metody epizootologicheskogo issledovaniya i teoriya epizooticheskogo protsessa [Metodics of epizootological studies and theory of epizootic process]. – Moscow, 1991. – p. 27. 4. Donnik I.M., Bolshakov I.N. Ekologicheskie aspekty agropromyshlennogo proizvodstva Uralskogo regiona [Ecological aspects of agricultural production in the Urals region]. – p. 52-60. 5. Petrova O.G., Kushnir N.I., Khamatov M.F. Ostrye respiratornye zabolevaniya krupnogo rogatogo skota [Acute respiratory disease in large horned cattle]. – Yekaterinburg, 2007. – 278 p. 6. Petrova O.G. Respiratornye zabolevaniya zhivotnykh i ptits s uchetom ekologicheskikh osobennostey territorii [Respiratory diseases of animals and birds with account of ecological features of the territory]. – Yekaterinburg, 2012. – pp. 228. Author affiliation: Barashkin Mikhail I., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, Ural State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekhta st., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620075; ph.: 8(343)221-40-24; e-mail: decanat.@usaca.ru. Responsible for the correspondence with the editorial board: Petrova Olga G., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Ural State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekhta st., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620075; phone: 8(343)257-47-42, 8(965)5175202; e-mail: super.kafedra2013@yandex.ru