Shoshina D.A., Stollyar A.T. Summary Data on new liquid acidifier Digesto are presented in the article. It is composed of the synergetic blend of formic, propionic, lactic, phosphoric acids and the extract of natural essential oil of oregano (carvacrol). The role of acids is to reduce pH of gastric contents, to press pathogenic microflora, to avert diarrhea; the role of carvacrol is to stimulate the development of enzymes, to improve the digestion, to normalize the function of the liver. It is possible to prevent the spreading of E.coli, salmonella, campilobacteria, fungi and mould in the system of drinking by the usage of Digesto. Аuthors prove the high efficiency of the acidifier explaining the functions of each component. There are some recommendations of using Digesto in poultry and pigbreeding farms: - poultry: it is administered orally, in drinking water. Usage of Digesto during 3-5 days before slaughtering reduce the risk of E.coli and salmonella.
- swine: it is administered orally, in drinking water during 7-10 days when changing the diet or in the case of technological stress. Then it is administered in a day or daily within a week. After 1-2 weeks of the pause the cycle is repeated.
It is proved that gastric health depends on the necessary level of pH content of gastrointestinal tract. So it’s highly important to acidify the foods and water in poultry and pig-breeding farms. The quality of the preparation and its attractive price make Digesto affordable for any farm. Key words: poultry, pigs, acidifier, water, biofilm, pH, acids, carvacrol References - Bannikov V.A. Aspekty gigieny vody v selskokhozyastvennoy otrasli [Aspects of water hygiene in agricultural industry]. – 2006: pp. 23-24.
- Popov I.S. Kormlenie selskohozyastvennykh zhivotnykh [Animal feeding]. – Moscow, 1990.
- Brilo I.V. Kachestvo pitevoy vody i zdorovye zhivotnykh [Drinking water quality and animal health]. – Minsk, 2007: 160 p.
Author affiliation Stollyar Aleksander T., Ph.D. in Biology, Director of Preston Vet Kft office; 14/8A, Ryazansky pr., Moscow, 109428; preston-st@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Shoshina Daria A., manager of Preston Vet Kft; 14/8A, Ryazansky pr., Moscow, 109428; ph.: 8(495)937-72-24; dshoshina@prestonvet.ru.