Vasilevich F.I., Shevkoplyas V.N. Summary Overview on animal and human parasitic diseases is presented in the article. Person can get infected by eating pork (trichinellose, teniose), beef (teniarinchose), fish (opisthorchose, diphyllobothriose, clonorchose, anizakidose). As well, dogs, cats and other carnivores are sources of human infection (echinococcose, alveococcose, toxocarose). Moreover, dogs are infected with toxocarose per 100% and echinococcose per 20-30%; stray animals are mostly contaminated, that creates risk of human infection in urban areas, especially in large cities. Key words: parasitic zoonoses, contamination, epidemiology, toxocarose, echinococcose, alveococcose, dirofilariose, mosquitoes, anizakidose, larva, diphyllobothriose, fasciolose, teniarinchose, trichinellose, teniose. References - Akbaev M.Sh., Vasilevich F.I. Redko vstrechaemye i sporadicheski proyavlyayushchiesya parazitarnye bolezni zhivotnykh [Rarely registered or sporadically occured parasitic diseases of animals]. – Veterinariya [Veterinary science]. – Мoscow, 2011. – pp. 38-44.
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Author affiliation Vasilevich Fyodor I., Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, rector of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Ac. Scryabin st., Moscow, 109472; e-mail: rector@mgavm.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Shevkoplyas Vladimir N., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Honored Veterinarian of the Russian Federation, professor of the department of veteterinary-sanitary examination of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Аc. Scryabin st., Moscow, 109472; phone: 8 (499) 7846219; e-mail: shevkoplyasvn@gmail.com.